Posts for Ferret_Warlord

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Indeed, the submission system is a little wonky due to how uptight people are about it. The odd thing is it's usually not the authors who get offended by the no vote, but the viewers. How many times have you seen people who weren't the author state, "Alright, who voted no on this amazing submission?" Yeah, people may want an explanation for it, but people will still flip out about it. Again, the Zelda submission: When people started expressing discontent with the movie, they ended up being bombarded with, "You just don't get it, do you?" Kinda like Dennis Dyack's reaction to Too Human's negative reviews (except in that case it WAS the author who was offended). That being said, I cast my vote for the proposed voting system. At least people won't get uppity until AFTER the no vote is explained.
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Yes, Pirate, I *know* how the page works already. No need to be a punk about it with that picture. (really, just because you think I missed some small detail doesn't mean I'm "pwned")
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Heh. That's a good find. Also, if you play the video back while it's "broken", everything will keep flying when it shakes. :P Plus, I just found something interesting. All the related videos lead to accounts that are thematically named to relate to Wario (GarlicGeek?) and have only one video. My guess is that it's all part of some viral campaign. But there's one account listed who's name doesn't follow that theme. The name? Rygar1987. A possible hint towards Rygar on the Wii? Perhaps an announcement will come about it coming to the VC? Most interesting. Edit: Oh hey, you can pick up and drag the fallen parts. Uber awesome!
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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Well, shoot. None of the games I want to run are supported. :( (Act Fancer, Charlie Ninja, and Water Kids)
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In case you weren't aware, Wario Land: Shake It! was recently released. This ad for it has got to be the most amazing Youtube ad I have ever seen.
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Sticky: You should try getting that first one to play to the tune of I'm a Gangster.
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I remember one time, before I even made it to the sanctuary, I ended up with 999 rupees. The rats were *really* generous that time.
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If there may be any confusion, I didn't vote on the run. I merely expressed approval for the texture pack Rai used. I've watched less than 10 minutes just to get a taste of it, because I know my tolerance for runs of the N64 Zeldas to be really low. They are full of swell moments, but when strung together it makes me feel asleep. I'll just continue watching TASes of individual parts. Much more interesting that way. (in addition to liking Wind Waker's style better, I don't *quite* understand all the commotion surrounding this game)
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
Post subject: Good evening, IRC. ^_^
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Upthorn and I briefly talked about my dilemma. He showed me that it should be impossible to get anything aside from bombs from the bonus drop in very hard. Although I've had experiences that suggest otherwise, I'll put some merit behind his word: even though I can get none-harmful stuff from it, it's probably super rare, and chances are I wouldn't be able to manipulate it anyway. With that said, I went and finished up level 3. I don't think it turned out too bad. The goal was to grab and kill everything, and the only thing that escaped me was a single soldier that got away before I could get to him. Doing this is really tricky since at one point the level basically branches off into three different (but not very distinct) paths. Enjoy! And again, feel free to comment. Edit: On a somewhat related note, isn't this just the happiest looking possum ever? ^_^
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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Well, people keep saying, "Don't vote yes 'till you've watched it"; it appears the same applies with voting no. :P
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Adebis wrote:
it's been a while but here's a new WIP
Of this movie I most heartily approve. Keep it up!
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Oh joy, I'm on the verge of my two most favoritest things in the TASing world: autoscrollers, and luck manipulation. I'm in level three, about to start an insanely long autoscrolling portion. This isn't so bad, it's just that I suck at making them interesting to watch. No, the problem is the luck manipulation. This level has no fire swords in it, and with such a large autoscrolling area, I'm given no choice but to get a fire sword for the boss out of the bonus drop since it wouldn't waste any time nor look awkward. The thing is the chances of getting a non-bomb "bonus" out of it on very hard are slim to none. In the many times I've played this game on that difficulty, I've gotten... one blue gem and three apples. The other several hundred drops were all bombs. Now, I know that the drop can be manipulated based on the frame you grab the 10th blue gem or any red gem. This means, however that I will have to test what I suspect will be a few to several hundred frames to get the desired drop. Testing this manually will be a tiring and irksome process, and I don't know how to make a script that would help out the testing of it. Feh. While this project isn't canceled, do consider it delayed. In the meantime, here's what I have so far. If anyone knows of any fire swords in this area that I am just *completely* overlooking, please, do tell! (I didn't try to manipulate a fire sword in level two because the lengthy manipulation would have interfered with the flow; if nothing else, consider it an entertainment trade off. The fire face fight isn't so bad)
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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Oh my goodness, take a gander at this! Gah! Too much!
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That's supposed to be an either/or thing. I think what Warp was trying to get at is similar to how Metroid Prime speedrunners had a category called "natural path." I think CtrlAltDestroy might be able to shed some light on how that worked, seeing how he was involved in that community for a while and it does seem somewhat relevant (that, and I am kinda curious).
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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After a while, people take fun seriously.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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1. Actually, bunny hopping does work. Watch again and you'll see that I jump after every boost along the ground. It's just that the effect isn't as dramatic. The trick is to coast in the air for several frames before moving forward, so I get the same effect when I go off cliffs and whatnot. 2. I tried everything, but they all ended up with the last piece taking two spins before opening up. It's quite frustrating, but I took what I could get. :( 3. Sparkster got cocky, thinking he was all that after mauling that miniboss the way he did. He let his guard down, thinking he was invincible, and ended up getting punched in the back. Let that be a lesson: Don't let your accomplishments get to your head. In other words, I did it to show a more imperfect, human side of the character (well, as human as you can get for a possum furry, that is). You asked the two questions I knew would be brought up. I don't know why I didn't answer them already. :/ Thanks for watching!
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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It would probably be nice to have more than just a tool assisted prologue. Thus, the first level. Feel free to comment.
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Okay, now a 10a bug. Auotpause is, for whatever reason, not working. A minor annoyance at worst. Also, savestates will randomly lose their music information. Again, just a (very) minor annoyance.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
Post subject: Re: Legend of Celda: Timewaker
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Raiscan wrote:
Cel-textured encode (torrent)
Woo, that's sure funky looking... I approve! :D *is of the camp that absolutely loves Wind Waker's style*
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IronSlayer wrote:
As for the Dark Demon, defeating him wouldn't be particularly difficult for a TAS, but as mentioned earlier, manipulating the password would be an absolute horror.
I shared this with Specter on IRC a few months ago, but here you go. It actually wasn't too bad, about 20 minutes of route optimizing. Although I do agree tackling him would be fairly easy (once you get to his second form, anyway), but would be quite boring to watch. I did some loose tool assistance on him in my spare time (50%, save spamming, but no movie), and I took him down before he got out of his his Angel of Death form. It would just be a minute or two of dodging some easily dodged rocks. :(
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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Problem with Gens 10. Sometimes, when doing RAM searching, it will lock up in a most bizarre way. I can still access menus, open and close windows such as the options, but I cannot unpause the game, and the emulator will not quit unless I Ctrl+Alt+Delete it. I don't know how to replicate it, but it's happened twice so far. Edit: I think I just found what caused it this last time. There were some "Invalid Address" error windows I hadn't closed down. I don't recall those the first time, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were the problem. My suggestion future versions: Don't allow the user to click on anything else in the emulator until s/he closes that window. That will ensure it's closed so nothing confusing will happen.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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I present to you all a broken Axel. I wish Sonikkustar had noted what this glitch he discovered was. :( Edit: I think I found it. You move too fast and sometimes the piles of rocks won't render. Edit 2: I just realized the link is broken. I tried reuploading it, but it still complains about a bad extension. Does the service not support Gens 10 files, or am I missing something? Anyone who tried watching it, I am sorry. :( Edit 3: Nix that, it was some bad BBC code. It works now!
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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I'd like to mention that I made my Wiimote remark in context of the conversation, AKA how to control first person shooters. Agreed that its motion detection can get really gimmicky, but its pointer function would be more than adequate for something that PC's do using mice, thus being a good middle ground for consoles. But like I said, developers don't care. I was really perturbed when it was announced that a Command & Conquer game would be released for the 360 and Playstation, but not the Wii. They gave up a chance to have greater playability for better graphics (in a strategy game, of all things! graphics shouldn't be that intense in a strategy game!). "But the market's not there!" Then make one, dangit.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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Well, at least the Wii's getting The Conduit. Yeah, sure, it looks kinda like a Halo rip-off with art inspired by Metroid Prime (one of the monsters looks almost exactly like Prime 1's second to last boss), but all reports about it indicate that it's really quite good. It also shows that at least one 3rd party is taking the platform seriously, realizing its potential as an FPS console.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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I'd like to mention that Nintendo's Wiimote+Chuck looks like a really good middle ground. What's everyone's opinion on the mostly unfulfilled potential there? I personally find it frustrating that developers are putting more emphasis on polygons and pixel shading than interface. "We don't care that it doesn't play as well, it looks better!" And yes, I know that consumer are part of the blame as well.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.