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And yeah, I agree that I showed... not the best part of me. I apologize, but a negative feedback is still a feedback. I would take it into the consideration, if I received a similar feedback or worse.
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If the rest of the TAS will look the same as in the 2014 WIP, I don't think the world will be that happy to see it. It got 6.2 thousand of view so far, which is not a good result. Also, I'll need a hundred cups of coffee to read all the comments to figure out why each turn was made in that way. Probably I'm too young to enjoy such fast-pace games. Given that 10 years have already passed and the full TAS hasn't been built yet, I would just abandon it because procrastination usually doesn't give a positive result or it won't live up to the expectations.
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cyberpotato wrote:
Ah sure, so we can't change what the threads are doing? If not, could you allocate the numbers to the thread in a non-sequential way? For example, could you say thread 1 has all the even numbers while thread 2 has all the odd numbers (which obviously would not be balanced correctly, it's just for an example)?
I came up with the idea of assigning the end of the range to each of threads and then checking each 'end = end - total number of threads' number if it's prime. Now, the range division looks pretty simple. Thank you!
Language: java

int currentThread = 3; // this is a serial number of the thread (0..N) int begin = 1; int end = 30 - currentThread; int totalThreads = 4; for (int i = end; i >= begin; i-=totalThreads) { // i = i - totalThreads System.out.println(i); } //27 //23 //19 //15 //11 //7 //3
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cyberpotato wrote:
If you're trying to find all of the prime numbers in a range, a much faster way to do it instead of checking each number individually for primality is to use a sieve. ...
Great stuff, but unfortunately I'm restricted with the conditions I described above.
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Guys, I need your help. How to divide a range of positive numbers (from 1 to 1000, for example) between several threads, so each one would be evenly loaded? Each thread has to check each number of its range segment in a loop (from 2 to number/2) if it's a prime number. If so, than it adds it to a concurrent collection. The easiest way to spread the load is to allocate several arrays (lists) and fill them sequentially in a for loop from start to finish. But unfortunately, I'm not allowed to do that. By any means, but without arrays or other containers. Since processing if 2 is a prime number is much quicker than processing 997, I'm thinking about some division like: Thread 1 takes sequence 1:500. Thread 2 takes 501:750 and so on, until thread 10 (20, 30, ...). I can't pick right proportions.
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Quite spectacular TAS. Yes vote
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I didn't expect to see so many posts here. I've watched the whole TAS and now I have mixed feelings. The game seems to be restricted at times or else I see a lot of tiny possible time savers. For example, at the beginning when the game tells you how to climb up the wall, you keep moving left even after crossing the gap. Could you jump down earlier? IIRC, Catwoman can jump down towards the direction she was moving, but you jump straight down.
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I had no doubts SMW would win the competition, even though it provided almost nothing comparing to it's predecessor Compare 2020 run to 2015 run which won not 1, but 2 nominations! Do you see much difference? Do you think almost the same run deserves the award when there are some more great competitors to choose from? Tiny Toon Adventures got a much better improvement over it's 13-year-old TAS and the TAS now is even more spectacular then before. This is the true 1st place! Explain me, why did you vote for SMW? It's like people saw yet another Mario title in nominations and voted for it just because it cannot be NOT cool. How many times you're going to award the same game? We are not voting for the best game or franchise that every gamer is supposed to know! We are voting for the best TAS, people!
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almostmatt1 wrote:
What we should all hope for is that Vita decides to do a Doom 2 UV-Speed TAS! He's a freakishly good TASer and IMO if he made one it'd be the closest thing we'd have to being considered unbeatable.
Unfortunately, he's busy with Plutonia TAS. I don't know why, since ClumsyDoomer made a great UV Speed TAS, but it looks like Vita isn't satisfied with it. Also, he said he would eventually do TNT D2All TAS in sub-18 mins.
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I'm wondering if it's possible to kill the 1st stage boss with a P power-up that kills all the enemies on the screen. If I'm not mistaken, the last satellite drops it. Did you try to destroy it by the edge of the screen, scroll to the boss and then pick up the P?
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I don't consider it optimized, but there's a lot of work that went into it [4183] GC Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (USA) by Vynneve in 1:43:47
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Not a big list this year =) Frankly speaking, I would add the remaining 3 movies to the nominations, even though non of them impressed me, but I'm sure, at least one of them will be eventually added.
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almostmatt1 wrote:
Thanks for the vote! I plan to do an Episode 2 TAS at some point in the future since a new trick has been found for it since Akse did his 3:02 TAS, but I likely won't do an Episode 3 or 4 one. I am heavily considering making a Doom 2 TAS, though.
Even two of them. A faster void glide on E2M6 and secret exit void glide on E2M5. BTW, the last one was discovered even before Akse's TAS submission here IIRC (i don't remember the last modified date of that NoMo TAS), but ClumsyDoomer decided to keep it as a secret. Also, I'm not satisfied with E2M8 TAS. All actual TASes don't have enough cells to kill the Cyberdemon with Plasma Gun alone. Instead, they switch to Rocket Launcher which is much slower in damage dealing. If I remember correctly, each rocket can deal up to 150 damage because this one is almost immune to splashes. Unfortunately, there are no cell energy packs nearby the TAS route. ZeroMaster made an incredible Doom 2 TAS. I don't think a TAS on UV would be more spectacular comparing to that one. Still, you can perform this recently discovered trick on Map 18 which is not available on Nightmare.
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Zakatos wrote:
It would also be great to see some 100% or Nightmare on this.
Such TASes exist already. LightSpeed (aka odysseyofnoises) did all 4 episodes on UV-fast (basically 100% on Nightmare with monster respawning turned off). Episode 1: Episode 2: Episode 3: Episode 4: Some minor timesavers can be applied to any of those. They were made with entertainment in mind. A superfast 100% TAS would look like that: E1M1, E1M2.
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almostmatt1 wrote:
Yes, as Dimon said if you don't mind please use the PrBoom+ Source Port for superior results. Speaking of Smooth Demo Playback, if you do decide to use it, there is a setting "Smooth Demo Playback Factor" which changes, well, the degree of smoothness. 1 is the lowest setting with no real perceptible difference and 16 is as smooth as it goes. I think 6 is the default factor when the setting is on, but personally I think that 3 is the sweet spot. For the video I included in the original post SDP was turned off. SDP off would be obviously the closest to actual real gameplay but having it on makes it more enjoyable to the majority of viewers so I guess it depends on your thoughts about strict authenticity vs enjoyment.
No, SDP won't be used and it will be recorded at 35 fps. At lease, original DOS Doom playback won't be used for maximum credibility. TASVideos stuff is against recording at 60 fps. Whatever. Let people decide which video they would like to watch. I'm not going to persuade anyone. Thank you for your effort, Matt!
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feos, please use PrBoom+ to be able to record video at 60 fps! It matters because of input interpolation. Also, make sure Smooth Demo Playback is turned on!
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Yeah, I'm wondering how a 2P TAS would look like with all those air combos. Yes vote
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You don't have to worry about it. We both know how Doom AI works against us. An improvement at one spot may produce a flaw at a different spot. Still, it's up to you. Please, write back if you're going to redo this TAS! Also, it's impossible to perform a void glide from the courtyard on E1M8 because you won't be able to produce such a high X momentum with rockets alone.
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Post subject: Re: Side note...
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PLANET wrote:
At least that makes sense! I wonder how the system understood that skill "29" up there ( ) ; )
You can open it in a hex editor and try to figure which value from the header could be 29. I guess it's 1D
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Post subject: Re: Side note...
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PLANET wrote:
What is this message about: "ALERTS POSSIBLY COMPROMISING MOVIE INTEGRITY: Skill 3 1 players"? (top of the submission page) This is Skill 4... : P
The site reads a Doom demo header incorrectly. For instance, here is how it reads a Boom-compatible demo.
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almostmatt1 wrote:
Not to derail the thread but Dimon12321 (in addition to being a cool dude and encoding the Episode 1 TAS above) has in the past done an individual level e1m9 UV-Speed TAS. Here it is if you're interested.
Thank you for sharing my video, but I uploaded it in a terrible quality back in the day. Here is a better one:
almostmatt1 wrote:
Within a single frame there are technically 93,645,180 different input combinations possible, accounting for the full range of running speeds, strafing speeds, turning angles, weapon changes, potential firing, and "using" switches and doors.
Did you count turbo movement (MF51 ... MF127 and so on for other 3 directions)? As far as I can tell, nothing can produce the movement of this "power" unless -turbo 255 was added to arguments before launching Doom.
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Warp wrote:
they encode keypresses that are then "played back" by the game
Yes, that's right. You can read about Doom demos here:
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Temp encode with Smooth Demo Playback enabled which makes this TAS more watchable: Link to video This is a much more technical TAS comparing to Episodes 2-4, but it also features a lot of sharp turns if SDP is turned off. I really like how gently you bump into walls while still preserving momentum.
TASing is like making a film: only the best takes are shown in the final movie.