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Yooo!! I'm sorry that I have done a doublepost; normally don't do it, but I need your guys attention. =) I have finally bypassed the spike I had problem with. Be my guest and check it out here:
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Indeed. Would be X-mas if someone would do that for us. =")
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Sorry for my lack of updates and posts. Had some busy days going.
No problem at all. =) I guess we all have are things to do; get buuuusyyy! :P Heh, that's how it is in a big portion of the world.. However, we will do this. We stick together to make this TAS good. Real good. I am still trying to understand what kind of invisible force, that makes the ape go dead, when trying to jump over a particular spike...>_<
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Visst är det lite tråkigt att det svenska subforumet inte riktigt används lika mycket som de andra. Men alla svenskar kan engelska, det är så det är, vi klarar oss rätt bra utan ett eget forum :P.
Exakt. Åtminstone typ 99% av alla svenskar har väldigt mästerligt engelskt tal; skryter inte eller något.. Har verkligen HÖRT personligen, och via television och annat att svenskar är kunniga i det; tacksamt för turister, hihi. Såååå... Det är väl som några av er skriver: man använder denna tråd till översättning, och till att... Fula sig? Eller..? ;D
Hur man kopierar en fil i UNIX. Haha!
Får skicka länken till en av mina nördar till polare, haha. Han håller på med programmering. Jag måste tacka!
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Ok, tack. I Finland vi har många människor som har ett allt-svenska namn, så det är normalt. Till exempel, vår boss (när jag arbetär på) heter Lars Holmström.
Föralldel. =) Jaså? Hur kan det vara på det viset? Hehe.
(Heh, I just realized I translated that all pretty much word-by-word in my mind from English to Swedish. Don't know if that is valid Swedish grammar. But I did not use a dictionary.)
Verkligen? Väldigt imponerande för att ha skrivit det utan "hjälp", eller vad man vill kalla det! =} (Nuuu får ni ursäkta mig att jag skriver detta på engelska, men jag vill bara vara vänlig med att få iväg detta någorlunda viktiga meddelande): if one uses google translation function, or some other method to communicate in swedish; if you CAN'T find a particular word in this language, just write that in english. I be most happy to translate it for y'all. Sådär. =) Svenskt tal nu.
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Även nu har jag använt Google för att få hjälp.
Aahaaa..! Smart där. ;D
Hahaha! Roligt. Är mannen som har en ljusgrå kappa, finsk? Han talar perfekt finska på 1:33.
Jepp, det är han. Han är född i Paipis, men han heter typiskt svenskt: "André Wickström". Jag kan inte så mycket om hans historia, men mycket möjligt att han har en svensk förälder eller något, som gör att han heter så.
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"Även bara lite är gott, det är otroligt :-)" Heej! Bisqwit!?? Puhu ruotsia??---> "Pratar svenska"?? Jösses!!.. Det känns ibland som att samtliga finskar snackar svenska. När jag lärde mig finska (ett av världens svåraste språk), tog det mig över ett halvår bara att räkna 0-20.. :P Wooouw. Frid! Okej, jag ska titta på klippet, Brushy. Edit: Hahahaha! Jaså den!?? XD Stackars man! Klassiker.
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Tjenare! =] Aaw, tack AKheon! Vilket sammanträffande! Jag talar bara lite finska.
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Diman, please refrain from modifying your texts size and colors and such. It makes it just more annoying to read, the default text size and black color is just fine. Also, nice to see you on the forum again :)
Hehe, all right.. :P I won't to that anymore, then. Aaw, how nice of you. Well, to be honest, it feels nice to me to see all you people again. I will investigate some on the Toki TAS now. =')
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Yeah?.. =) That's what I'm talking about!! I may be the first one to tell you guys, that we are doing an AMAZING job on this project! Go! Go! Go! I will play a bit every day of this. Good TRP, that's what I thought; that Toki doesn't loose any frame of that shot. God, what a relief!..
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I belive in miracles!!.. I have found a way to kill the beetle, and moving on! You guys will love this one; I guess you dying to know! Check it out NOW. Again, this WIP is extremely short.
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Like I told Highness in the messenger chat; I feel that we should stick to Pie's version.. Not change anything at all in act: 1, in other words.. Perhaps play from the very beginning of act: 2, IF Toki is draining one frame or so, from the nice shot at the.. THING above. Deep in my heart I hope that Toki doesn't loose any frame of it, because I found it so beautifully amusing! Well.. I guess I have not so much more to write about now.. Until next time guys; cheers!!
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Awesome RandomPie! =) I have continued the WIP. I think that it looks goddamn beautiful, when you shoot that green flying thing pitched. You are intelligent who could get through all those enemies. Now, I got to tell two things about my continuation: 1. I discovered that when Toki is on the swing; if you press the jump-button at the precise frame when the swing throws away Toki, he gets a boost. That's something!! So one can save a couple of frames. 2. I think I understand why you couldn't jump over the spike.. Because one has to kill the green bug, man! Haha, I strongly belive that it is so, but.. If it is like that.. It doesn't make any sense at all. God.. This game is like 90% random. -.- By the way.. I hope one can kill the green bug (I call it "bug"), without have Toki to stop? If some smart guy find a strategy; please tell. ='') That is why my continuation is so short in case you wonder.
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Nice work bro'! You have no idea how glad I am that you made a video; now I have managed to play through act 1!! Here you go you all:
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Sonikkustar: hehe, I'm happy for that, man. Yeah it looks nice, doesn't it?.. ;) I got to investigate if there's a way for me/us to bypass those annoying demons, otherwise I may have to redo a big part of the movie.. We'll see. Ooh, that would be awesome if you do; thanks! We need all sweet comments we can get, because this is one of the hardest arcade games known to man.. :P wicked: You got to download the "UE"-rom. It looks like this: "Legend of Toki - Going Ape Spit, The (UE) [c][!].bin", when you see the full name. Also, it is important that one sets the mode to "US", the AUTO-detect function selects Japan I belive.. You are using the correct emulator though. Good luck!
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Hiiiii! Once again, long time no see. I can't almost belive how many years it was since I created the very thread about Toki. Finally I and Highness have decided to going all out on this one. I wanna take the opportunity to thank all guys out here which have helped out with RAM-addresses, sweet comments and whatnot. Aaaw, ain't you cute TheRandomPie_IV?! ^^ You are really polite man, for asking that; most guys out here take other people's projects, when it takes TOO LONG time for it to be done. Now, of course you can join us! Both me and Highness don't see why not? We are just happy that you are in. All help is WELL appreciated on this one. Now.. As we all now here, it takes a lot of commitment to get things going. Highness had this ingenious idea that we post VIP's on this forum; all of us. For instance; the first stage. All of us guys plays the first stage for example, post WIP's, then we can discuss of the one who looks most promising. This way we trigger each other, and this project have a VERY small chance to just stand still. It will be like a competition, but not quite. BTW. I have played on the first stage a bit, with some RAM-addresses..:P I have most support from the address which detect the monkeys movement. I'm sad that I couldn't get any further. If someone come up with any ideas feel free to just post them.. Or play FROM that WIP somewhere.
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Hahaha!.. Duuuude.. Funny! But not THAT funny. I vote NO on this one.. Sorry.
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I will download this good stuff, right now..! ;)
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It's not fair!.. I didn't get MY Urban Champion TAS published..! Nah! Hehe! No seriously, who gives a shit!?.. :P It's cool. Congrats man! You got skillz! ;)
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Hehe! I remember when I did submit a TAS here, made by this game, and.. It didn't turn out so good for the people.. But this is different! This is some gooooood shit man! I will go for a YES-vote on this one. =)
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Holy smokes!!.. :O That's a kick-ass-TAS, dudes! My personal favorite is the Woodman stage! ;) So buggy! :O ;D
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Hah! Better late than never I've heard. ;) Maybe I'm slowminded, but at least I'm not so damn dickheadish as most of the guys around here. ;) Anyways.. This could be a TAS folks are been waiting for.
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Yeah, yeah... Who cares if he spelled it wrong? Big deal. Can someone answer him already? I say: go for it! Make a TAS of Dirty Harry if you wish. Post your WIP:s here, or on the other thread you made. I belive it could be a awesome TAS to see. But then I am a bad chooser of games, as nearly everyone on this site knows.. Hehe. :P
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Thank you so much for the tips and your opinions, folks! =) Is it something else I should think about before I start to TASing? Otherwise we can wait with that; I think I'll post a new wip after each stage.. You can judge each stage what you feel about the TAS from that point.. See ya.
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Thank you for have watching it. Yeah, I found that out when I was speaking with Highness on messenger, that I was slower than Phil and Genisto, at some places.. Good thing I didn't continue with it, and then make a submission of it, when there are obvious flaws.. Do you guys like the concept of using crosses only? I did see now, that Satoryu found this WIP more entertaining so far, than the existing run.. Is there more people with that opinion?
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