Posts for DarkKobold

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The Roft Glitch is the ability to enter Roft during Battle 6, then egress back and continue the story. The best buyable sword in the game costs 5100, and at that point in the WIP I had 1150 gold, the ability to get 3 mithril, (2 quickly) @ 1500 a piece, and the blizzard in the town could be sold for 900. If I hold off promoting Slade until after Zalabard, I could give him the Critical Sword right away after promotion, and then I would not need to buy him any more weapons. Additionally, the Blizzard goes into the Deals section, so I could forseeably buy it back at some point, and use it for an insta-kill on the Kraken, saving me Peter's death. I could then go to Hassan earlier, and get the Running Pimento / Upgraded weapons. Here is... a huge update. I beat Zalabard, fairly ridiculously. Strangely, the Jaro battle is giving me huge headaches. Also, the Force is falling behind in levels, due to the boss sniping. This is making manipulation a pain.!%5D.gmv
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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This is looking damn good. Also, I probably shouldn't be given so much credit for the rewind scripting - I just copy/pasta'd the script from the SVN. Honestly, all I care about is that this script works, then any credit. Keep up the good work!
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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True wrote:
DarkKobold wrote:
First step would be to figure out how the latch signal works on the controller.
Actually, that step comes far after all the other things I asked.
Um, its the only part that matters for synchornization. Mario has zero randomization. It's possibly one of the most deterministic games on the site. Thus, all you need to care about to sync is the controller latch output. That is it. No need to tie in reset, at all. The console will send you latch signals.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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flashthe wrote:
looks very good so far. but is there a need to promote kazin? or there is no dif ference between desoul 1/2? according to this there is no upside to promote kazin early:
The reason Kazin was promoted 'early,' was because he is getting the Running Pimento - and getting promoted means you lose the bonus. In truth, I think an improvement would be to never promote him. His agility would (hopefully) balance with the rest of the force. He'd gain Desoul 2 earlier. I'd be able to use the Pimento in Hassan. After reading that FAQ, I'm starting to think that the only character I should promote (at that time) is Peter. He loses a few levels with the ability to get 3 attack, from about 1-5, but he gets +2 MOV (!!!). Unfortunately he also gains more HP and defense, making him harder to kill. Slade loses the ability to get +2 attack per level, which means he starts to lose the ground I gain him throughout the run. Between the attack ring, and thief dagger, I could probably leave him unpromoted at least until level 25-30. Bowie is questionable. I need to really consider where and when to promote him. I could use the Roft-glitch to grab the best Promoted weapon early in the game.... Which would make him valuable, at least for a little longer. Strangely, promotion makes characters gain pathetic levels, with the exception of Peter. I may look at this as a test-run, as there are errors throughout the run.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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FatRatKnight - I'm going to work on combining this script with a rewind script, if you don't mind. EDIT: Here is attempt #1 at combining scripts: EDIT #2: I added the ability to select both players. This really is an 'all' option.
-- Multi-track rerecording for FCEUX
-- To make up for the lack of an internal multi-track rerecording in FCEUX.
-- It may get obsolete when TASEdit comes around.

-- Stuff that you are encouraged to change to fit what you need.
local players= 2             -- You may tweak the number of players here.

local opaque= 0              -- Default opacity. 0 is solid, 4 is invisible.

local dispX, dispY= 10, 99   -- For the display stuffs

local saveMax = 1000;		-- Max Rewind Power

-- Control scheme. You may want to change these.
local selectplayer = "S"   -- For selecting which player
local recordingtype= "space" -- For selecting how to record
local show, hide   = "pageup", "pagedown" -- Opacity adjuster
local scrlup, scrldown, scrlleft, scrlright= "numpad8", "numpad2", "numpad4", "numpad6"  -- Input display mover
local rewind = "R"
local key = {"right", "left", "down", "up",   "C",      "V",   "X", "Z"}

local btn = {"right", "left", "down", "up", "start", "select", "B", "A"}
-- Don't change btn, unless it's to adjust the spacing to keep it lined up neatly.

-- Stuff that really shouldn't be messed with, unless you plan to change the code significantly.
local optType= {"Both", "Keys", "List", "Off"} -- Names for option types
local keys, lastkeys = {}, {} -- To hold keyboard input
local Pin, thisInput = {}, {} -- Input manipulation array
local option = {}             -- Options for individual button input by script
local fc, lastfc= nil, nil    -- Frame counters
local pl= 1                   -- Player selected
local repeater;				  -- for holding a button

--The stuff below is for more advanced users, enter at your own peril!

local saveArray = {};--the Array in which the save states are stored
local saveCount = 0;--used for finding which array position to cycle through
local saver; -- the variable used for storing the save state
local rewindCount = 0;--this stops you looping back around the array if theres nothing at the end
local savePreventBuffer = 1;--Used for more control over when save states will be saved, not really used in this version much.

-- Initialize tables for each player.
for i= 1, players do
    Pin[i]        = {}
    thisInput[i]  = {}
    option[i]     = {}
    for j= 1, 8 do
        option[i][btn[j]]= 1

-- Intention of options:
-- "Both"  Script buttons and input list used
-- "Keys"  Script buttons used
-- "List"  Input list used
-- "Off"   Script will not interfere with button

function press(button)
-- Checks if a button is pressed.
-- The tables it accesses should be obvious in the next line.

    if keys[button] and not lastkeys[button] then
        return true

    return false

function pressrepeater(button)

    if keys[button] then      
    	if not lastkeys[button] or repeater == 3 then
        	repeater = 0;
        	return true        
        	repeater = repeater + 1;
    return false

function newframe()
-- Psuedo-detection of frame-advance or state load.
-- The lack of a function to otherwise detect state loads demands this cheap hack.
-- I will admit I'm not aware of things. Does there exist such a function already?
-- The values it accesses are: fc, lastfc

    if not fc then
        return nil              -- Sanity check
    if not lastfc then          -- Although I could return errors or
        return "stateload"      -- different strings, I'm using these
    end                         -- for my purposes in this script.

    if fc == lastfc +1 then     -- I hope the string it returns
        return "frameadvance"   -- explains the intention.

elseif fc ~= lastfc    then     -- A bug occurs when you load a state
        return "stateload"      -- equal to current frame or current frame+1

    return nil                  -- fc == lastfc. No advance or load

-- Primary function. ... Why did I pick itisyourturn, anyway?
function itisyourturn()
    keys= input.get()              -- Standard get info stuff.

    if pressrepeater(rewind) then 
    	if rewindCount==0 then
			--makes sure you can't go back too far could also include other things in here, left empty for now.	
			saveCount = saveCount-1;
			rewindCount = rewindCount-1;
			if saveCount==0 then		
				saveCount = saveMax;
	--Need to grab after a possible load.
	fc= movie.framecount()         -- Without which, what can I do?

-- Selection: Players
    if press(selectplayer) then    -- Hopefully, this block is
        pl= pl + 1                 -- self-explanatory.
        if pl > players+1 then       --
            pl= 1                  -- If not, it... Selects a player...
        end                        -- Joy.

-- Option: Opacity
    if press(hide) and opaque < 4 then
        opaque= opaque+1
    if press(show) and opaque > 0 then
        opaque= opaque-1

-- Option: Move input display by keyboard
    if press(scrlup) then
        dispY= dispY - 1
    if press(scrldown) then
        dispY= dispY + 1
    if press(scrlleft) then
        dispX= dispX - 1
    if press(scrlright) then
        dispX= dispX + 1
-- Option: Move input display by mouse
    if keys["leftclick"] and lastkeys["leftclick"] then
        dispX= dispX + keys.xmouse - lastkeys.xmouse
        dispY= dispY + keys.ymouse - lastkeys.ymouse

    framed= newframe()
    if framed then
        for P= 1, players do

-- Store input if you advanced the frame.
            if framed == "frameadvance" then
                if not Pin[P][lastfc] then
                    Pin[P][lastfc]= {}        -- Initialize table if none exists.
                Pin[P][lastfc]= joypad.get(P)

-- Load stored input, if it exists.
-- Shouldn't matter if frame advanced or state loaded. It's a new frame, darn it!
            if Pin[P][fc] then
                for i= 1, 8 do
                    op= option[P][btn[i]]
                    if op == 1  or  op == 3 then  -- "Both" or "List"
                        thisInput[P][btn[i]]= Pin[P][fc][btn[i]]
                        thisInput[P][btn[i]]= nil

            else -- No input to load, so erase stuff.
                for i= 1, 8 do
                    thisInput[P][btn[i]]= nil
        end -- Loop for each player

-- Resets key input, so it counts as pressed again if held through frame advance.
        for i= 1, 8 do
            lastkeys[key[i]]= nil

    end -- If framecount changed

-- We're done checking if a new frame happened.
-- Now we're going to check for change in input!

    if keys[recordingtype] then  -- Are you setting options?
        for i= 1, 8 do

-- Make sure to change the options of whatever key we press. Not the ones we don't press.
        if pl == players + 1 then 
        	for q = 1,players,1 do 
            	if press(key[i]) then
                	option[q][btn[i]]= option[q][btn[i]]+1
                	if option[q][btn[i]] > 4 then
                    	option[q][btn[i]]= 1
          	if press(key[i]) then
               	option[pl][btn[i]]= option[pl][btn[i]]+1
               	if option[pl][btn[i]] > 4 then
                   	option[pl][btn[i]]= 1
-- Display current options
            if pl == players + 1 then 

     	   end -- individual button loop

    else -- Oh, you're not setting options. Actual input, eh?
        for i= 1, 8 do

-- Check options to decide if we should ignore you. Else, toggle the keyed button.
         if pl == players + 1 then 
           	for q = 1,players,1 do 
            	op= option[q][btn[i]]
            	if op == 1  or  op == 2 then   -- "Both" or "Keys"
            		if press(key[i]) then          -- Spread the AND to the next line
                		if thisInput[q][btn[i]] then
                    		thisInput[q][btn[i]]= nil
                    		thisInput[q][btn[i]]= true
            op= option[pl][btn[i]]
            if op == 1  or  op == 2 then   -- "Both" or "Keys"
            	if press(key[i]) then          -- Spread the AND to the next line
                	if thisInput[pl][btn[i]] then
	                    thisInput[pl][btn[i]]= nil
        	            thisInput[pl][btn[i]]= true
        end -- individual button loop

-- Display current input.
    dispX= math.min(math.max(dispX,-2),219) -- Limits hack
    dispY= math.min(math.max(dispY,51),185)

        for i= -10, 10 do

            Y= dispY
            if i < 0 then
                Y= Y-3
            elseif i > 0 then
                Y= Y+3

            temp= {} -- I may want to pick thisInput instead of the frame list.
            if pl == players+1 then 
            	qtemp = 1;
               qtemp = pl;
            if i == 0 then
                temp= thisInput[qtemp]
                temp= Pin[qtemp][fc+i]

            color= nil
            for j= 1, 8 do
                if not temp then
                    color= "white"
                elseif temp[btn[j]] then
                    color= "green"
                    color= "red"

                gui.drawbox(dispX +4*j,Y +4*i,dispX+2 +4*j,Y+2 +4*i,color)

    end -- Done with "options" if

-- Display selected player. I might want to move this around.
 	if pl <= players then 

-- Feed the input to the emulation.
    if movie.mode() ~= "playback" then
        for P= 1, players do
            joypad.set(P, thisInput[P])

    lastfc= fc        -- Standard "this happened last time" stuff
    lastkeys= keys    -- Don't want to keep registering key hits.


-- I'm think I should leave it up to the user to decide if the input should stick.
while true do
    rewindCount = math.max(rewindCount + 1,saveMax);
    if saveCount==saveMax+1 then
			saveCount = 1;
    if saveArray[saveCount] == nil then
      saver = savestate.create();
   	  saver = saveArray[saveCount];
   saveArray[saveCount] = saver; -- I'm pretty sure this line is unnecessary.

-- Possible inconveniences include:
-- * You should reload the script every time you switch through movies.
--   Failure to reload will result in old, "junk" input showing up. It hasn't been erased yet.
-- * Won't care about what you set up for your normal player input. Though it works with it fine.
-- * Could screw up under specific circumstances involving loading a state located 1 frame later.
Its... funky. Its almost working. Let me know what you think.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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True wrote:
If the game has an RNG and does not initialize the variable first, you will likely have sync problems. How accurate is the NES clock? I'm not familiar with the physical hardware; will it execute a fixed number of instructions per frame? I would imagine not... If you guys think this will work, I'll try to get my hands on an NES and Mario cart. I have plenty of PICs (company ordered too many PIC18F2550s) and some free time at work to write an inputfile-fed controller. Re: startup sync, I could probably just pull reset high/low to sync, you think?
First step would be to figure out how the latch signal works on the controller. I.E. is the controller polled by some external frame counter, and a consistent ~60 Hz, or is it per frame where input is requested? (I'm pretty sure it is the latter). Thus, you just need input data on your PIC (over serial maybe?) and then, the Latch for the controller is the input signal. You can easily sync on that alone.
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Kirkq wrote:
How feasible is an idea of actively reading memory and playing the game with a script designed to do actions at certain points in the game? This may have better results than trying to sync the entire keypress file.
Far more difficult. You'd have to either - change the ROM and add display RAM features - or tap into the memory bus... (page 3) This could be done in two ways. 1st, you could hijack the address and data lines, and add an additional circuit that can send addresses for reading. The problem is - you don't want to interfere with the running code on the NES. I don't know if there would be a way to do additional reads when the NES isn't doing anything. I doubt that there are enough NOP (no operations) in any game that would let you do this. 2nd, you could build a circuit that passively listens to the address and data lines, and essentially mirrors the on board ram. I'm pretty sure you could easily find a RAM chip these days that would allow you to do reads and writes in parallel, allowing you to read memory values without interrupting the mirror. However, both of these are far more difficult to build than a controller that sends input. I've actually had this idea for some time now. However, I'm... lazy. This could make the project much simpler now. If you had a microcontroller and that, the code would be about 10 lines long. Get frame data, put new values across the 8 bit register. wait for latch. wait 10 ms. (or whatever the controller clock is). Repeat. [/url]
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moozooh wrote:
Also, frames themselves are divisible units (which is not very important for making movies on an emulator but very prominent if you try to do so on the actual hardware), so there will need to be a way to synchronize the keypresses to particular times within a frame when they produce the needed result.
Actually, the NES (and SNES) would make this conversion pretty simple. The controller is just an 8-bit shift register. The NES sends out a latch signal, and all controller buttons are registered, then sent on the clock pulse. Thus, the inputs could be sync'd with the frames. The NES only sends this latch once per frame. However, I doubt it sends the latch pulse on lag frames, and seriously doubt any emulator perfectly emulates lag, which means, (in an RNG-less world), the video will still desync... quickly.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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nfq wrote:
Warp wrote:
Opposition to the evolution theory is a dogma, and dogmas cannot be refuted.
try to refute this video i made: the theory of evolution is dogma. if the theory of evolution is a scientific theory, then intelligent design and creationism also qualify as scientific theories.
Anti-biotic resistant strains of Streptococcus, The transition of Avian Flu to Humans. HIV's ability to be resistant to any new drug. These are observable evolutions in our lifetime.
nfq wrote:
there are similarities between humans and apes, and speciation occurs, but it's not evidence that a single celled organism can turn into a human over billions of years.
This is often misrepresented as the theory of evolution. This is NOT the theory of evolution. THIS IS Granted, I know I can't change your mind. To you the Bible is an infallible source of information.
Exodus 21:7-11 wrote:
When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
BONUS PRIZES +1 internet if it's a Ninja turtle, +1 internet if it's Michaelangelo
Do I win some internets?
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adelikat wrote:
You would be right about this except that it is your perceptions of reality that are wrong.
You just don't understand Which makes you
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I win teh prize?
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Kirkq wrote:
Dropping the name of a text file 5 feet would be negative work if you define the system correctly.
Actually, if you use the proper equation, W = 1/2 m*v^2, which ever direction the name in the text file moves, it will create work, as the velocity has changed. You are arbitrarily defining your direction in this case to suit your argument.
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Kirkq wrote:
Not changing the name in a text file?
This is actually zero work, in this instance. The question was less work. Sorry, you fail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
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adelikat wrote:
Could you mention to me something that is less work than changing the name in a text file?
adelikat wrote:
Copy/pasting a submission text is actually more work than changing the name in a text file. Other things that are more than this "bit of work". Submitting a movie Making a TAS in the first place Arguing on this point This post Reading this post
Dammit! I had $20 dollars riding on 'eating a sammich'
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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Why don't you 4 team up on the run? Just curious.
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Post subject: CHECKMATE!
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New WIP, finishes near the end of the Chess Battle.
ZeXr0 wrote:
EDIT : Near frame 381000 you seems to wait a couple of frame before moving Peter, is there a reason for that ?
I'll try to hex edit this out at some point. Pretty crappy error.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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We are having enough problems getting people to do encoding work as is. Two encodes per movie? Who is going to do this extra work? Jeez. Be thankful for what we get. There is also always the option of watching on an emulator.
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nfq wrote:
because religion will not survive long against science anymore.
The 3 major world religions have survived against the fall of geocentrism, heliocentrism, and are lasting against the rise of acceptance of evolution. Religions will do, ironically, as they have always done. Adapt, change, and evolve into something that will not need geocentrism, heliocentrism, or creationism. As scientific progression continues to answer the questions that religion was created to answer, religion will continue to change and adapt to the new knowledge. Funny, religions is able to do this because generations born in the near future will accept both evolution and religious beliefs as perfectly co-existing, just as our generations accept that the earth is not the center of the universe.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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ZeXr0 wrote:
Oh I though you gave Bowie the power ring, because you seems to give something to Bowie, I don't know because the cursor move a little bit too fast :P EDIT : Does it take more time to drop an item than to sell it ?
No, I think selling takes more.
ZeXr0 wrote:
EDIT2 : Near frame 274000 you attack the Death Monk twice instead of give a double hit with Chester.
The first is a critical, and the second isn't because of the leveling.
ZeXr0 wrote:
EDIT3 : Near frame 296000 you wait a long time for Gerhalt to give a single hit, is there any other manipulation that you do in this ? Because a double hit might have been faster.
There are 'dead periods' in the RNG loop, where no good values come up. That hit was the first success in about 100 frames. I'm not sure what causes these dead periods, other than just doubles leading into misses.
ZeXr0 wrote:
EDIT4 : Is it faster to cast blaze 1 or 2, or it takes the same times ? Because at 298000 you use blaze 2 when 1 would have been enought.
I.... probably should have checked that.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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ZeXr0 wrote:
For the last point, Maybe it's because of the proximity. Seems like the cursor move faster than the game can handle the data, and wait a few frames before having all data to move the ennemy. Pretty much like if it was calculating what the enemy would do next. At Frame 227853, is there a reason why you didn't manipulate Peter to do a double hit ?
I wanted to manipulate the gain of 3 attack, which is fairly rare for Peter. Also, since he is CPU controlled, I needed him to gain as much XP as possible, since its a few battles until I can control him.
ZeXr0 wrote:
EDIT : I don't know but in the same battle, is there a reason why you don't move bowie until the end of the battle, I don't know if it would have been faster to move him near the rest of the enemy, it would maybe generate less cursor movement (it might not save time) but you have to move him anyway in that direction, I don't know.
Yeah, that was because I thought I could skip battle 14 by avoiding the encounter tiles. This is probably the biggest mistake in the run to date. If you stop the video at the end of the battle, you can go directly from Battle 10 to battle 14. Doesn't help at all.
ZeXr0 wrote:
EDIT 2 : Is there a reason why you didn't equipped the power ring to bowie near frame 242000 ? If you ever equipped him the power ring (I don't know yet, I'm on the first view of the video,
Slade is the only one holding the power ring for 90% of the game (to this point) ??? EDIT: I think what you may have seen was me equipping slade with the power ring?
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The movement trick is something to do with a lag frame not occurring... I think. Sometimes, I have to do Right-Left-Right or Down-Up-Down to get the glitch to occur properly. In the Taros battle, for example, Bowie (Z) executes the glitch without the extra movement. I have no idea why. On the cheerful bread, I'm hoping to never need defense or HP. Also, I think, Stylistically, waiting 1-10 frames for a miss is worth it. 30+ frames? Questionable. But getting and using the Bread seems like a few seconds of wasted time. I wish I knew, for example, why the Mage in the Cave Battle froze. Very annoying waste of time. It seemed to happen independent of the current RNG.
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Post subject: Kick ass Lua Scripts
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Here is an example of my attack script: It handles - damage, deaths, level-ups, and status changes. All of it is 100% automated. You enter the number of the result you want, and it performs the wait, manipulation, and battle execution. and here is an example of my Order select script: It allows you to enter a rule, such as Char before Char, and then estimates the number of cursor movements based on current Char positions. These two scripts make TASing this game (almost) childs play now. (I still have to write scripts for actions such as item and magic. They still require some hand work) As always, I'll release these after I submit this TAS. I'm sure, with the absolute simplicity that these scripts provide, I'll be obsoleted one day.
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Glitcher wrote:
God, I found this TAS exceptionally boring. It pales horribly against dedicated combo videos you can find on websites aimed at them. If you want to see XVSF at its fullest, try wathing the Shidousha No Hyouden video below. There's no comparison. This TAS gets a big NO from me.
OMG TOTALLY, and this run sucks compared to this or this. Seriously, one is a TAS, and the other is edited footage. Take your Linkin-Park-dubbed youtube drivel elsewhere.[/url]
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.