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Nice! Can't wait to see this done. It's really bugging me now that I can't figure out what caused that "Holding a Snifit" glitch I got on the wii that one time. It could save serious time in many rooms. Maybe it's somehow possible to pick up a false/dying enemy during the screen transition so you're holding it in the new room? I don't know.
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I agree "Abuses programming errors" should be removed, since all TASes are allowed to do that by default. However, there should be a category for movies that use major glitches such as memory corruption, warping, and zipping. Notice that most heavily glitched movies also have "full" runs, but the full runs aren't completely clean, either: they use many other, smaller glitches, they simply choose to ignore the game-breaking glitches, even if they would be useful all over the game... because using them once means that they could have used it at the beginning of the game for a quick win. Huge example, the "full" Zelda II run. It even says in the description "This movie avoids pressing Left and Right at the same time which causes an acceleration bug that can massively glitch the game." ... even when many other glitches are used, and zipping around the map would save time everywhere else. So maybe categories such as "Heavily Glitched" and "Restricts Glitches" ?
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If anyone's interested, I finally got 21 more levels done of the combo TAS.
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I'm pretty sure the only carpets are 1-2 and 5-3, which can be improved using this, and 3-1, which can't.
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I think that it can save time in the warpless run. The tough part is setting it up quickly, that is, getting Pidget to respawn as fast as possible, , but I have faith that someone will be able to pull it off. It lets you run through the air at or faster than the normal speed of Toad running while holding something, rather than slow jumping to get the carpet to move faster. And since you're going much faster, the carpet lasts much longer, and (as shown in the fm2) you can pick things up while riding the carpet, so you can snag that potion needed for the birdo trick without dismounting the carpet.
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I experimented with this a little bit more, and it also works if you're riding a carpet, get the Pidget to respawn, and pick the other Pidget off its carpet while you're riding yours. Edit: Demonstration of the trick on 1-2: Unfortunately it doesn't affect your vertical speed at all, so it's useless in 3-1. Edit 2: I experimented more, and apparently, if you go through a door while riding a carpet, your feet freeze in place for the rest of the game! You can't walk or duck anymore, you have to get around by jumping. So I'm guessing there's a "carpet riding" flag which gets accidentally left on in that case. So the mach carpet trick would be a case of unsetting that flag while you're still on the carpet, making the game think you're on solid ground instead.
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I discovered a glitch which will probably help in a future TAS. If you are riding a magic carpet, and you throw an item that destroys a Pidget on another magic carpet, the carpet you're riding will start going really fast. Demonstration: This happened to me while playing the game on the Wii. Again, funnily enough.
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Only thing I can think of is if you get enough views to warrant sponsorship, and the movie author does as well, they might ask you to take it down. Also, just to let you know, your upload of my Dr. Mario video is pretty screwed up.
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I was playing the Legend of Zelda one day on the Wii, and I suddenly walked off the side off the left side of the screen. The screen didn't transition. It was just stuck with a link-less scene, with all the enemies trying to swarm after me but bumping into the side of the screen, and it just stayed like that. I had to reset. This was before that TAS trick was discovered, so I was like "what the heck did I just do". When I saw the glitched TAS, it all made sense. This other time, I was playing Super Mario Bros. 2 US on the Wii, and I entered the World 1 Mouser room area as Toad, and I was holding a gray snifit for absolutely no reason. If this glitch could be reproduced, it would help with some of the TASes, I think. My favorite unexpected glitchy moment would have to be one day when I was playing Metroid Prime Pinball, and the ball clipped off the side of the screen and I died. Funny because I was known around the Metroid community for having discovered many "Secret Worlds" in Metroid Prime, and now I could say I found one in Pinball.
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
My thoughts on optimal achievement breakdowns, having been an X360 achievement junkie for a few years:
Not everybody aims for every achievement. Sure, we all start out a game thinking we will, and we do have that nagging feeling of incompleteness if we can't pull off the top-tier ones, but eventually we just move on to a different game and become satisfied/complacent with our efforts. However, these are oldschool games we're talking about. These games have been played to death by people for twenty years. People know these games like the back of their hand. These games are dear to many peoples' hearts, and those people will probably never get bored with them no matter how many times they replay the game. For those people who just enjoy the game that much, there are extra achievements to aim for, the challenge runs and the self-imposed challenges. For the rest of us, we can attain the lower-level ones for beating / completeing the game and be satisfied at that. Besides, what fun would it be if we only made achievements that we knew everybody could obtain?
gia wrote:
Would it be better if they were instead registered functions based on ram watch like mode or breakpoint mode perhaps?
I'd imagine that, from the achievement scriper's point of view, we would just need a way to tell if a line of code has been executed, we wouldn't necessarily need to break before the frame is done drawing. So perhaps flags could simply registered to lines of code, and set to True if they have been executed that frame, false if they have not. So this kind of logic could be used after a standard frame.
If executedcode(pipe_sub) //A pipe was entered
    If  world_number = 1 & level_number = 2 & level_page = 14 Then
        // Warp zone was used. Disable "Warpless" achievements.
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I was bored, so, here's a few more. The Legend of Zelda (More): Scapegoat: Paid every old man their door repair charges in full. Population Control: Left only one living enemy on every overworld screen. A Little Ahead Of Yourself: Got the bow from Level 1 without clearing it, then cleared Level 8 without entering any other dungeon. Heartless: Beat the game with three hearts. Keychain: Acquired 15 keys. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: Don't Ask For Directions: Beat the game without acquiring a map or a compass. Master Using It: Beat the game with only the Level 2 sword. Careful: Beat the game without upgrading your shield or your armor. Cold Turkey: Beat the game without collecting any bottles. Big Trouble: Beat the game without upgrading your arrows or bombs at the Pond of Happiness. (Wonder if it would be a hardcore challenge to do all of the above at once...) Stop By Later: Gave your sword to the blacksmiths to temper, then collected all 7 dark world crystals and cleared Level 8 before picking it up again. Hurricane Spin: Defeated 5 or more enemies with one spin attack. Good Bee: Killed 50 enemies with the same bee. Good Shot: Shattered a block with the Cane of Somaria to kill four enemies. Hot Potato: Killed a cyclops or a castle guard with their own bombs. Revenge is Futile: Survived a chicken attack for 1 minute without getting hit.
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The more I think about this, the more I really want to see this put into motion. We need to go and beg a programmer to modify FCEUX for this.
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Having recently signed up for The Backloggery gave me a new perspective on the concept of achievements. Since backloggery has their "B" and "C" statuses, I got the idea to list the achievements classes in alphabetical order from easiest to hardest. While that didn't exactly work out, I came up with these categories I think every achievement should fit into: Accumulation: Each achievement for this category keeps a running tally of some number through all playthroughs of the game, such as score acquired, money acquired, or enemies killed, and the achievement is unlocked when the tally reaches a certain amount. These exist as incentive for the player to go out of their way to attain extra points or extra kills now and then, knowing that eventually they will hit that goal. Beating: This category contains achievements that are unlocked through a standard playthrough of the game, and should all be unlocked if the game is beaten (warpless) and the player views the credits. For example, beating World X, or defeating Boss X would fall under this category. Completion: This category contains achievements showing that the game has not only been beaten, but finished completely. Beating the optional bonus bosses, getting 100% items, beating minigames, and completing all difficulty levels would be examples of achievements in this category. Domination: Achievements which are unlocked by playing through the whole game with minimal mistakes. No-death runs, no-damage runs, and no-miss runs would fall under here. There could be separate achievements for different categories of running, such as Any/100%, warped/warpless, and the like. Exhibition: Situational bonus challenges for specific parts of the game. These would be special challenges such as "Killed all enemies in the pit on level 3 without touching the ground" or "Killed the level 4 boss with a hammer. These should be engineered to be interesting or tricky without being arbitrary. Fun: Joke objectives, or rewards for failing. These are not serious achievements. A good example would be the infamous challenge in Punch-Out for Wii: "Knock down Glass Joe 3 times, then let him win by decision". These would include activating or beating the game with cheats, dying in certain ways, wearing specific combinations of clothing, and other arbitrary things. Hardcore: Very special and high-ranked achievements for matching, or nearly matching, world records or speedrunners. These would require long-term dedication to obtain and would not be for everybody. They would probably be split up into multiple achievements for warped/warpless, and the like. Examples would be top-notch speedruns, very high scores, or obtaining Domination-class achievements in long games (we’re talking 8 hours or more) without saving. Limitation: Beat the game with a self-imposed challenge, not using all of the game's features. Examples would be solo-character runs, no-weapon runs, runs that avoid certain powerups or rewards, pacifist runs, and so on. Unlike Domination-class achievements which could be ruined at any moment if you make a mistake, limitations are ongoing decisions by the player. Maximization: Rewards for completing or maximizing values that don't specifically count towards 100% game completion. Examples would include maxing out every stat at 255, bombing every wall in the game, obtaining every type of powerup, or filling a logbook. Repetition: Beat the game a certain number of times. Basically an accumulation award, but for beating the game. Speedrunning: Beat the whole game, or individual parts of the game, in a time limit. The time limit would be a reasonable challenge without being hard enough to classify as Hardcore. Technique: Pull off a trick. Unlike the Exhibition-class challenges, this would simply classify as "getting something to work". Examples from SMB would be Jumping the flagpole, getting 90 1-ups from a Koopa shell, catching a mushroom at the top of the screen, and so on. These tricks could be situation-specific, or be possible in multiple places. Unless I'm missing something, all game achievements can fit into these categories. They could be designated by different colors on the webserver or as they pop up on the screen.
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I've always found datacrystal to be a dead site, lacking in a lot of content. It never has anything I'm looking for. If you ask me, having TASvideos pages which are basically "guides" to TASing certain games, and personal notes/journals from the TASers about specific uses of tricks or certain parts of the game, would be a VERY useful and ideal addition to this site. We have our tricks pages, but they are mostly outdated and rather shallow. They seem like superficial lists of the tricks without specificing how to apply them optimally in specific situations.
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This is cool, though I liked the old one better. It gave a real "wow!" effect as it was synched with the music. This one just felt like it had music as wallpaper. And the fading on the music in the intro was done pretty poorly. But overall, good update! Though, is there any reason we can't make more than one? TAS music video montages would be awesome to make into a running thing...
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Someone on IRC linked me to this. It's easily the best Gamefaqs Top 10 list I've ever seen on the site, and many users on this site should enjoy it. The Top 10 Gaming Skills Of A Bygone Era
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I don't draw, but I can do a few other things, like write music for my games. some of my better ones:
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This was cool, and it was also the first movie I've ever seen which uses subtitles. Good improvements and good style!
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Strange they decided not to wait for HG/SS. Also, last time they did this, I think they spent more than 3 days, and failed to catch all the pokemon.
Post subject: Re: Impossible TAS
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Heisanevilgenius wrote:
I mean, take a game that has a lot of customizable difficulty or gameplay options to ramp up the difficulty to something that the developers never actually expected people would actually try because it's ludicrously difficult. Example: If you play Dr. Mario in Tetris & Dr. Mario for SNES, you can play any level from 1 to 20. Level 20 is absolutely trivial for a TAS.
And that's not even to mention how you can crank the level up to 255 and have the pills fall at practically 20G speed.
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Warp, that's exactly what I have tried to say in the past, particularly with my post in the "New Category Proposal" thread. Though it could use some more analysis... (Geeze. I re-wrote this post 3 times before posting it. I'll put up the best two iterations.) There are three motivations a person can have (or some combination of the the three) for watching TASes. They are: 1) You want to witness theoretically how fast the game can be beaten, what the fastest known method of input is for beating the game. 2) You want to experience a game without playing it for yourself. 3) You are entertained by watching flashy and complex colors dance around the screen. And to this, I say: 1) This is the entire premise of the site. You've come to the right place. 2) Go to YouTube, watch a Let's Play. 3) Watch a screensaver. Sometimes you can't have #1 without having #2 and #3 also, and that's great. It's fun watching the end of a game you've just seen played, it's also fun watching the player jump around like a hyperactive ninja. But all that is the direct result of #1. The people who wish to see the "New categories", who think that TASes are not "doing enough justice" to the games, are people who think that there are too many games where objective #1 undermines #2 and/or #3, so #1 needs to be temporarily removed from the picture so that #2 and #3 can be given a fighting chance. For one thing, That's not what this site is for. This site is for #1. The rest is just icing on the cake. For another thing, exactly how many movies are there on this site where #1 defeats the purpose of #2 and #3? You could probably count them on two hands. Well, except for maybe RPG runs. And finally, if you do happen to find a game where a non-speed playaround could be good, make it. If it gets accepted, great. if it gets rejected, then it probably wasn't what this site is for. Put it on YouTube instead. --- In reality, the fastest possible way from game start to the credits could be through cheat codes or level passwords, but there is a reason we don't allow that: we wish to see the whole game; watching a password input into the screen, one boss fight, then the credits, is a pointless waste of time. Also, that's precisely why we have multiple categories that set different limitations on movies, because maybe we want to see the whole game played, not just glitched through, warped through, or completed minimalist. We want to see the extent of what the designers created. The "New Category" proposal was exactly, exactly, exactly this attitude, but applied to movies in a way that doesn't make sense with the purpose of this site. People want to see the "Whole game" played, similar to the difference between a low-% and a 100% run, but the difference they are looking for are silly things like "No bunny hopping", because somehow if you play the game without bunny-hopping it feels more "proper", it feels like you're doing the game more "justice". If the desire is great, maybe we should begin a "Tool-Assisted Let's Play" community that avoids the elitism that these people are complaining about.
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I've played through Rayman on the GBA. Surprisingly, it actually makes a lot of levels harder inadvertently due to the smaller screen. Boss battles are impossible! Another change they made was that the autoscrolling sections of the game were completely removed. You can just run past them as if they are normal stages. (However, some strange screen scrolling behavior suggests that they were there originally but were cut out hastily.) And the music... yeah. What a beautiful soundtrack, completely ruined! I was TASing this game a while back. Here's an optimized run through Pink Plant Woods, Anguish Lagoon, and Bongo Hills. It plays one level of Allegro Presto, though it's more of a test run.
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I've never really been impressed with this test. The questions are really ambiguous. My favorite example: "You get bored if you have to read theoretical books" Answer no, and the test interprets it the same as if you had answered no to any of the other "I like to think about things" questions. But in reality, it is very easy for a person to really enjoy theory and philosophy, but hate reading about someone else's theory... especially if it contradicts with theirs. Imagine a professed Darwinist forced to read a lengthy essay which attempts to disprove evolution, or forced to read the Bible. There's no way they're not going to get bored out of their skull in minutes. Not the best analogy, but hopefully you get my point.
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Exhibitions haven't taken off because there isn't actually that much potential for them. The people who think it would open up a whole new world of possibilities are just imagining things. Most possibilities of entertainment have been covered by the actual speedruns, and those that haven't aren't really enough to justify a whole new movie. Sure, you will find a game here and there that is an exception, and when you do, go ahead and make a playaround and post it! The problem is that there just aren't that many games where this is worth doing where it would feel like you're not just treading old ground, but slower. Movie clip compilations on YouTube are a lot more appropriate instead, rather than having the buffer of playing the rest of the game in between the interesting parts, and expecting it to get published on a site where everyone's base attitude mismatches with yours. If you disagree with this statement, then it is simply a case of your base attitude not matching with mine. In that case, make some exhibition runs and prove me wrong, maybe they'll get published like the above movies I linked to. But I'm willing to bet that, if you actually get down and honestly try to do this, simply finding a game to provide an example is harder than it sounds.
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Wasn't the Metroid source code decompiled? Could we look at the "Dragon blows fire" routine, see which value it compares and prompts the branch, then check what changes that value? (I'm willing to bet it's randomized at each reset) Also, and this is a random strange memory I just now had, but years ago on the GameFAQs forum, I could have sworn that someone suggested the global variable linked to the dragons blowing fire also causes the attack patterns of the two bosses to be changed. This would be why sometimes you can wipe Ridley out just by standing next to him (during normal play), and other times he is able to kill you...
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