Posts for Comicalflop

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I'm assuming you haven't reached that 1 minute 48 second time saver yet then? Also, with all of the huge amount of zipping going on, I'm surprised it's only 100 seconds so far... Also, I can hardly wait.
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This makes a much better gens run than master blaster was. I didn't get to spend much time watching the pretty animations, I was more focused on the speedy little ship. This game is very tricky so getting the ultimate frame count for each mission would be very tough, something that would only come out from constant redoing and many members competing. But what you did was good. I wonder if at walls that you had to shoot through if you could fire the last shot from further away, since you could build more momentum and thus pass through the exploding wall faster. Much like ECCO maintaining your speed, going around curves, and preserving your momentum as much as possible are essential. This game was on a "would make a nice TAS" list for a long time, you made it look real cool. yes vote. That ship can go really fast, it nearly went off the screen when you nose-dived straight down at one part.
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DarkKobold wrote:
but I could tell when I'd sit in class and create strategies for the TAS. Thank god they eventually end.
Story of my life. Except for the eventually ending part.
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hey adelikat, this has 2 no votes and one yes vote, it's not even 12 hours old I bet and you accepted it and are probably in the process of encoding. I smell something incredibly fishy here... something's rotten in the land of TASvideos.
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Fast, fun and explosive! Flop likes. I urge you to complete some form of this game to submit here, pronto.
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Bisqwit wrote:
I also updated the Flash video now so that it can be seeked without a complete download.
This is an immensely interesting feature. Can this be done with any and all published videos?
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But I would have though that a direct line to the finish line is faster.

compared to:
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Why at the end of the kart races do you curve so tightly and hit the farthest left side of the finish line when under a boost effect? other than that, awesome!
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I think I just won a bet: Now, if say the record resetting mupen will be accepted if a source code is also available, now that the above vid is proof that not only is SRAM preserved the way it's supposed to but that it encodes just fine without any interruptions, should I go bug okaygo for the source?
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Might be because you use Vista (and for DeHackEd because he uses Linux). If I don't forget I'll try making an AVI tonight, see what happens. Also, I have okaygo on Skype and AIM, and he's online occassionally (like right now for instance). It's not like he's unreachable.
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I've made AVI's,okaygo has made AVI's and youtube vids... just badger okaygo and you'll get the source. I don't see what the biggie is. It's unaccepted because it could be used "in situations that doesn't apply to goals. Resetting to avoid backtracking is good, resetting to manipulate luck to a heavy extent is good, but resetting to avoid lengthy cutscenes that some whiny viewers will invariably whine about, and of which the removal of those cutscenes can only do good since viewers are ADD and whiny and it reduces the movie length, but despite that these things are bad." from what I know, the frame count is actually stopped while the emulator reloads itself. I don't know if you were doing something wrong when testing, but I have made .m64's that synch, and I have encoded an AVI (I might make another one, I might've deleted the one I had) that does not record the part where the ROM closes and reloads.
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Update! I just finished the first stage in world 2, and I just passed the "1 second faster than old WIP" mark. Some of the following stages will be hexed, some I want to test more. Question: Could an encoder fiddle with all sorts of computer settings and such to make the final AVI not have those stages as laggy, then switch to normal settings for the rest of the stages? Oh, and Halamantariel is awesome. Big shout out to him, who has done so much hard work with all of the hexes for all of the hundreds of .m64's we send back and forth.
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It's been ready for a while. I've made some tests with various games, and the .m64's synch with a reset of the ROM in mupen and still preserve the RAM, all while recording. The only problem is that it hasn't been accepted at the site yet.
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TASing was semi responsible for me having to drop out of UMASS Dartmouth. Like Fractal, an honest yes from me. But hey, currently I commute to classes, work at Starbucks, and just auditioned for a community play, so now I have other healthy things to do in my spare time as well.
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because there is a mupen version that can record resets, but it's not accepted at the site yet. The current mupen cannot reset the ROM and keep recording, so everything must be done in one go, i.e. use death warps.
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yes, you can watch bkDJ's vids. But, you generally don't have to ask what plugins are used, because when you load the ROM, and select play movie, a window pops up that says exactly what plugins are used in the movie. 1.5.1 might lag because it's not the plugin that Sami uses. If not, it could be your video card/something about your computer. Try jabo's 1.6, see if that works better.
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Why not just situationally make different choices per course? Also, doesn't it take frames to switch from star to star, so if aiming for lowest frame count wouldn't logically it be best to go in numerical order whenever possible? Also, the random number generator sounds interesting, but it wouldn't be as hip if it weren't for the fact there's only 6 numbers, and fewer for those stages where some stars are necessary to get first. Also, not many stars benefit from having the sub there. I'd say removing it removes lag for the other stars and can only be a good thing.
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I just wonder if Rockman can perform the same glitches with ice wall and such as easily (or at all), especially since he lacks a double jump. I think non 100 CDs won't be good since Forte is better at just about everything for an any% run, so obsoleting the 100 CDs run seems logical. Once you're done with the amazingness that is the Forte run first, of course.
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Yikes, and you haven't even done that 1 minute 48 second boss skip. Keep it up! One question I have is Forte has many missed shots.Is this unavoidable with the way his weapon works, does it manipulate luck or does it change his x/y pixel position to land differently and avoid things? Oh, and are you thinking of doing a Rockman version after this?
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This was a fun watch. I don't know what will happen to it, but it was funny at parts and made me smile.
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This solves all woes. I've done a serious 2 player N64 run before, and even a 4 player N64 test run. It would be hard, but not impossible.
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4 different characters, attacking each other without glitches is more what I was getting at.
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wazkatango wrote:
Oh and Comicalflop, stop swearing.
well excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me princess. Your virgin ears are not my top priority. Also, characters TASing against one another doesn't work as well unless you are trying to accomplish a goal, like for instance get all players to 999% as fast as possible, then end with a gorgeous quadruple kill.
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FINALLY A worthy run indeed. Camera was good. Speed was good. New routes were good. No complaints here.
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Or, when you slip and start falling down stairs, you assure onlookers that you were simply damage boosting intentionally to get down the stairs faster. My youngest brother has tried running like they do in Naruto (holding arms behind you) to go faster. He was promptly told by his gym teacher to stop. I tried it myself (when alone of course) and it certainly feels like you're going faster.
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