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Hm, maybe you're right about the cars.. -When you kill each Bee mini boss, it's butt looks like a downslope. Is it possible to walk down that slope, then jump at the end for extra boost? -Turn left, then jump works when going up hills to gain mroe height. Is turn around, jump for the speed boost to trick the game into thinking you have a down slope boost work when going up hills to gain a few pixels? Edit: just tested the jumping up slopes thing; it loses 1 pixel everytim you do it. testing the bee thing now. Edit: and it looks like the bee moves backwards, making jumping over it better. Double nvm.
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Stress and not succeeding with the route changing trick for the Chameleon stage. I'd also like to see the WIP. I think there's some ways of handling the cars section that I've always wondered about.
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For a bomberman game, you're not throwing a lot of bombs ;-) I think kirkq will be able to find more spots for improvements than I will; I'm just watching it seeing the game for the first time. Keep it up.
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I was able to re-encode the entire commentary as a .mp3; it's only 159 MB, and nothing is missing. Clicky
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What's wrong with my option?
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35 minutes aren't missing. 1 hour 45 minutes are missing. At 35 minutes into the commentary, it skips to the end of adult spirit temple. I know the file size is too huge. I'm currently making a new .mp3 using lame. I may also end up makign an entire new commentary. In the end, the final product will be the same file seize as mirai's, don't worry.
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Post subject: test commentary done; added audacity file
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I finished my commentary last night. Unfortunately: -I used an external mic on my laptop, rather than a microphone/headset combo. There's static in the background. -I paused twice during the making of it. That may have made the commentary itself get out of synch with the AVI ever so slightly, but more importantly, it caused the .WAV I made skip from (apparently) the first pause to the 2nd. This means that at about 35 minutes into the commentary, it skips straight to the fight with Kotake/Koume. That's a ton of commentary stuff skipped. -I need to download some .mp3 codecs for Audacity to import the file into .mp3. As it stands, I'm only able to convert it into .WAV, which means the 1 hour 14 minute file is like 700+ MB. As a result, I'll likely redo the whole thing (most likely using the same jokes, and inserting new ones as well.) Until then, here's the .WAV I tried to maintain a balance of humor/technical explanations of tricks. I also wanted to keep my pitch/tone of voice as far away from monotone as much as possible to keep audience interest. (I'm a theater actor/voice impressionist; can you tell?) Of course, my voice isn't normally that high pitched; something with my mic setups make it sound higher than normal (Tompa or theenglishman or any other skype-goer can attest to this.)
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My intuition tells me no gilded sword is faster, despite the slower Majora battle. Can you time how much the rupee detours all add to? I have the sneaky feeling that calculation will determine the decision. Oh, is the curio shop out of the way or on the beaten path? That may also be an important factor. .... Does not having the gilded sword really add 30 seconds of extra sword slashing per stage?
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Welp, so much for me trying my own commentary. Laptop went explodify last night (just before a 3 day weekend, dammit!!!!); need new one pronto. When I get a new one I'll have a go at it.
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I also have yet to watch and have the exact same doubts. The run being over an hour and having so few rerecords doesn't sound good; JXQ's glitch-lite run getting the good ending was only half an hour, before major warping glitches were found. No luck manipulation, completely glitch free, wrong ROM choice, bad goal choices; I'm not optimistic on this one.
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Well, I'll try making one on friday or over the weekend and see what happens.
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I suppose the best way to avoid making too many references to JXQ's commentary is to not have heard it before; seeing that I'm under that criteria, I may give a try at making my own commentary, and see what happens. Would people prefer more jokes or explanations on the tricks being used (since I'm very familiar with the techniques of OoT?)
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There might be something weird with you shooting that first egg too fast. I'd keep experimenting, and see if you can get it right, but don't try too hard! One thing I was wondering with those ladders/poles... It may be that jump, beak buster, grab the pole next frame, and jump may be faster than zipping; I forgot to test that. Sometimes when I zip I don't gain a lot of distance. Perhaps alternating will work; but definitely test both actions to see which gains more height per jump.
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Your beautiful girlfriend breaks the avatar size limit rules of our site. She shalt be BANNED
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DeHackEd wrote:
If Sting Chameleon's heart tank can indeed be picked up before defeating Launch Octopus, then move him to just before Storm Eagle.
Fractal's 100% run IS a test run, I think you should be able to beat it without any trouble.
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Only route change would be if the trick in Chameleon stage that OgreSlayer was trying out can be pulled off. I would worry about matching Fractal's precision in his runs; especially because a "test run" for 100% already does exist, I would spent time on making it optimal and in showing off if I were you. The real fun in this game is constantly switching weapons and killing enemies on the way.
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Yeah, meepers and I already knew this. You'll notice we both shoot at one of the ships before it lands because otherwise it wouldn't give its point. I'm looking to see your work. One thing I cannot stress enough is playing style and entertainment. The difference between a ho-hum run like nangosan's and pure art is how masterfully you fly the ship, how you kill things and how you swoop around.
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I am very much against the use of death in a TAS for this game, since it is such a huge disruption of the flow of gameplay. I've only seen two instances where taking damage looked cool: in Aquas to use spamming torpedoes against the environment, and in Sector Y to go through the ships to reach more enemies. Intentionally taking damage everywhere in a stage just to be able to respawn at the checkpoint is not very fun to watch at all.
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I don't think resetting alone would be an obsoletion justification, but you wouldn't want an improvement to save lots of time mostly because of it. About later areas of the game: I've noticed it's done at the end of boss battles, and the % completion can be checked to verify that the reset is done at the right time. But, how would it help in other areas? Maybe you should explore the game a little and see where it might help. For my DKC2 102% run I skipped the very interesting credits seen at the end of the any%, so that I could complete the last stage and the final boss to get the secret ending. Of course, the credits were way longer in that game, but skipping them meant the run was overall faster and the secret stuff was gotten to faster. I think it's really up to you, but my gut tells me all tools should be used to achieve the fastest time, and to be honest I'd rather see more action and less credits.
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I agree with mixed order, I sort of disagree with no resetting; especially considering the run is realtime goal oriented. The excitement is going to be gone for a while after boss fights even without resets; the progression to the next set of action packed playing happens quicker with resetting. I tend to enjoy the new glitchy play rather than credits. You could mark the run as having 'sacrifices time for entertainment'... In the end it's up to you, but it'll make obsoletion of the run a potential slippery slope if someone feels the need to improve it with the majority being from resetting. I feel like it's a current feature that works that saves time and should be used. After watching smns72's WIP, I can see why you needed to redo ;-P That level of awesome absolutely needs to be had in published form as soon as humanly possible.
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You forgot 10 for Truthiness.
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They have a better attitude than the two of you.
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Now we're talking. Yes vote.
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Kriole wrote:
51 frames of improvement is not worth a submission.
So Mr. Super Metroid TASer Kriole, who deals in minuscule frame improvements in rooms in SM, doesn't find 51 frames worth submitting in a hotly competed frame war? Explain that one to me please. Also, your argument that 'just because a 1 frame improvement was accepted doesn't mean this one should be' reeks of phail; if the 1 frame one was accepted, why shouldn't this one? A non acceptable improvement might be making a ROM change for faster scrolling text, but in a run that receieves a lot of competition, every frame counts.
Zurreco wrote:
Indeed. SM64 submissions all suffer from the same essential gameplay as their predecessors. Even though the same can be said of most (if not all) of the Mario submissions, at least other Mario game seems to have some leeway for author-dependent entertainment.
Shouldn't every single run of any game that has improvement movies made suffer from the same thing in the way you describe, not just super mario 64? Your mario bias here makes no sense; once a new movie of any game is submitted, any improvement movie is going to have the same gameplay as its predecessor. Also, SM64 has room for author dependent entertainment, despite what you say. The fact that we're all arguing about camera work is proof.
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If I so chose. I don't have any quarrel with it. Generally I keep my time travelling to a minimum with that whole butterfly effect thingie. I can't be bothered to stop the development of a drink I barely know. It may inadvertently cause my favorite shows on tv to be cancelled, or for raspberry fig newtons to cease to exist.
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