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So both of you quoted me, yet neither of you actually seem to grasp the most important part of my post: I don't find these types of fighter runs to be interesting in the slightest. I watched it, found it to be quite boring, I voted no, end of story.
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Maybe it's just me, but I don't find these types of fighter runs to be interesting in the slightest. I also fail to see the point, or difficulty, in controlling two characters fighting each other. The only time I've seen that idea work was here:
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I'm aiming for perfect surgeon. I'm being cruel and sadistic in other ways, which you'll see when it's finished. And there's no need to physically write sadistic surgeon in the submission title; you'll notice no other game does that for separate categories. Nor do I at the moment feel a need for a fastest run, since the time difference between them will be less than I thought (and my WIP is a full 6 seconds faster than a fastest time WIP).
Sir VG wrote:
you should almost manage to be able to do both be fast and be perfect.
Plus that.
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I already did, earlier in the topic. If you mean a new one, absolutely not (you'd know that if you knew how I don't give WIPs anymore ever unless for specific reasons); I'm using "cutting edge" optimizations as well as some techniques that I really, really must keep secret until submission. Trust me, you'll enjoy seeing the entire thing with new eyes when it's submitted.
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Sorry, I voted no and forgot to post why. I did not find the game (not even the original on playstation) to be interesting in the slightest. I was bored from the beginning, and had to stop watching even before I got halfway through. Chalk it up to not the best game choice. I couldn't even notice when you were glitch jumping. Edit: Don't despair, it seems 4 people have voted yes without saying why... (hint hint: post why.)
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So yeah, this run of Stone Tower by MrGrunz is the most ninja display of skills I have ever seen Link perform.
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Post subject: Chapter 1 done
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Chapter 1 is done! Moving on to operation #9. This means I'm theoretically 1/6th done with the game.
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I'm a sucker for fast paced characters that make fast paced noises. I was entertained enough with the game and the run to vote yes, and I hope you get that Final Sword and make a faster version.
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TakaM, I wouldn't be surprised if my video is even more improvable; possibly by your suggestions, further optimizations, and perhaps even a new TAS only route. I did it mostly to beat the WR and to discover new tricks, which I shall now get into. The first thing I have found I will coin Backward Long Jump, after Super Mario 64, because the end result looks the same and you are essentialy doing a long jump backwards. When sliding on the rail, I had gotten up to speeds of 25, and right when I jump, I press and hold left and jump. For some reason, Sonic's speed stays at 25 when he jumps off like that. Normally jumps go down to a speed of 10 (unlike in other sonic games where a jump on a down slope maintains a higher than normal speed) and when I do a backward facing jump, the speed is preserved at 25, and decelerates very, very, very, slowly. By the time I land on the ground, I'm at a speed of 22 or so, and still holding left puts sonic in braking mode, and he still is decelerating very slowly. And when he's braking on the ground, he's on his back and waving his arms around, which looks like Mario when he's BLJing. This effect can be mimicked slightly in other scenarios. The very first jump off that springboard I hold left which puts my speed at 16, but that decelerates faster, so I optimally start pressing right again as soon as possible. (I forgot to try that again at the other springboard, oops.) If you land on a down slope, your running speed increases slightly. I did this right at the beginning, which is why the last airdash is spaced later. When in the air your speed becomes 10, so I use the tension boost during that, which puts your aerial speed at 12 (or maintains above average aerial speed without dropping it to 10.) Hence whenever I'm doing airdashes, I use the tension boost. Airdashes shouldn't be used on the ground when your speed is 13 or higher. I didn't fully understand every single trick for increasing points, but I kept the gauge from running out, so that's not a problem. But you're right, there's plenty of ways to keep the tension meter rising. I didn't notice switching screens to waste time... shrug. At 13 seconds, I should have tested this but it may be possible to spin dash to gain enough speed to clear it without having to go down, and up. The gap is large, but there must be some way to clear it by going horizontally the entire time. At 26 seconds, you mean just before breaking through those blocks of wood? I think an airdash homed in on the enemy, but I didn't think to test jumping over them. You're probably right. The special stages do look not boring, but too easy. I don't think a chaos run should be done; nor is it fun to see someone spam "do chaoz emrrlds" suggestion on every single sonic game.
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You might want to put this on hold for the moment; I'm finding a ton of game breaking glitches and exploits that has me currently a full 2 seconds ahead of the 37.93" video, barely 10 seconds in. I'm going to keep experimenting and working on lvl 1 and see what the final time is. Optimal air dashing requires the tension boost to be used throughout for it to be effective, since it will prevent your speed from going down to 10, but rather keep it at 12 after the first 1 frame 16 speed burst. So far, I've only used it in succession at the beginning of the level, and it's not worth it once you're above 13 speeds.
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For your benefit, I found some addresses: (all of these are 1 byte, signed) X Speed: 020907E9 020907F5 Y Speed: 020907EB 020907F1 I'd watch all 4, just to make sure that in any situation you're watching one that is more accurate. If you're constantly falling behind the realtime records, that probably means that you're route is flawed. I would watch the video that I linked to, and maybe join TSC forums and ask what the route was used to achieve the 36.'' times. Also, I did some testing and I think you should be using air dashes in the same way that Nitsuja does in the Sonic Advance 2 run, where you jump and immediately air dash. It brings your speed to 14 briefly, and higher when you are moving at even faster speeds, and I think it'd be a helpful move that will enable you to beat the realtime records. 'A' 1 frame then 'R' the next frame seems to be most optimal. If you want, I can give the first level a try, and see if I can find any improvements or optimize some stuff.
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I don't know why the file size is 74 MB.... weird. Is the game supposed to be this laggy? Desmume counted 1,036 lag frames; that's quite a lot for a short level.
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According to this, the WR is 37.93". So I think a route change is in order to get a lower time. Rather than slowing down before the ring to make it spin less, you may want to make the run go for fastest in-game time, which some other sonic TASes do. That way you can compete for lower time, the same way speedrunners do, and not have to worry about the circle spinning and can focus on speed instead. If you want, I can take that .dsm and make a proper AVI with audio.
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moozooh wrote:
Does it make the walk more silent or more comfortable if you lift your feet all the way up to your crotch?
Neither, actually. Sticky, is it normal for people to have thin blue lines on their bare arms? I'm looking at Richter Belmont for reference and I'm not seeing blue lines anywhere.
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Well, the thing is I don't know how the game works in terms of "game over, boss beaten, credits time!" It seems to be more of "here's a whole bunch of cool stuff you can do; do some tough puzzles; do some stages made by Treasure; or heck go make some yourself!" (especially since you can select whatever stages you want.) And there's even 122 stages in the 'Other Stages' category! So I think you could stuff both the puzzles , other, and Treasure stages into one movie file; but where to end input I dunno, since it'd be kinda anti-climactic to have it just return to the main menu. What would tool assisted stage building look like.....
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This game is really quite fast and explosive, and many levels can be beaten very quickly with the right strategy. I tried with no luck to beat the first of the Puzzle stages using this video as a reference without any luck. He says he got 1.68", I can't seem to go any lower than 1.73". Puzzle 01 test run | youtube I don't know if a run should go through all the Puzzle stages, all the Treasure stages, or both, or what have you. And there's lots of strategy (which weapons to select for which stages) and competition involved, so some of the times already achieved by humans might be hard to match/beat (as I've found).
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I have finished my commentary for this run. And here it is. Enjoy.
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Why? Blaze's run is more optimal than mine, and has a clearer goal. I enjoyed his movie more than my own.
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Let me know if your preferred attitude method actually physically makes mupen plus be finished sooner. I don't think you can quite appreciate how much people hate getting yelled at to "hurry up and finish the damn thing!" until you've been in that same situation yourself.
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I'd like to mention that the reason for starting this topic in the first place was to appease some viewers who were upset about a few particular runs being rejected. And none of those runs that they mentioned have been nominated yet. Food for thought.
Saturn wrote:
Not a fan of suggesting my own runs for this, but since the 14% (or glitchless/legit Low%) Super Metroid run got rejected against the clear majority of the audience, and 90% of the Judge Guidelines, I thought it should be mentioned in the interest of the TAS community as a whole. Of course it will require to drop the bias against the author/Super Metroid/silly category restrictions most people disagreed with a bit, but trust me, it's worth it to make TASvideos a better place for the general audience instead of the judges themself. If it's not possible, then please disregard this post.
You fought tooth and nail to get it accepted back when it was submitted, so why am I surprised to see you bringing that up again? It has no place on the site as its own publication, and was even linked to in the current low%. What more do you want?
Bisqwit wrote:
I would have also submitted (at the site) Chrono Cross, if there was a movie file to submit in the first place.
You know, PlayStation has a working rerecording emulator, so you could, redo the entire movie and submit it.
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Sir VG wrote:
Nice screenshot. :P
Thanks! If anyone is interested, here's the 20 screenshots that were considered.
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One suggestion (that I remember now without looking through the run) is to use Z+B to slide off ledges... being on the ground is what slows this move down, and in the air you go at very fast speeds, and have practically no lag at the end of the move. Edit: And of course, jumping+beak buster rather than climbing, especially to get the zipping effect. That should be used everywhere. On one of the very first green pipes climbed outside the paintings, I saved 1 whole second simply by using very unoptimized jump+beak buster to regrab the pipe.
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Hey Sami, are you going to be working on a v2? If you are, I think now's a good time to write down every known improvement for routes and tricks, and start thinking of possible improvements (I have dozens).
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I was the only one clever enough to lift my feet high in the air as we snuck up on some bookworms. This is from the world premiere musical that we just completed.
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