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I was trying to see if guards seeing you through the floor could be used to your advantage, but if it hampers the speedrun too much in negative ways then nevermind. But I would like to see progress on Perfect Dark if you can get around that problem. plus it was the movie Ocean's Twelve, so my bad there.
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Yeah, too many problems plus 3-4 (4? Arne? talketh to me plz?) TASes worked on makes this highly unlikely on my end. I appreciate all the research everyone did on this, but I do not have any motivation, time, or talent to make a run like this possible at the time being. sorry. Maybe in the way, way, way, way future.
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same. I am so glad that you're thinking of continuing, that was an incredible WIP up to 4-2 and I'm 97% sure neither me or anyone else could reproduce that quality. (most of the 97% refers to me.) as for knowing Yoshi's speed, I believe (correct me if wrong) Snes9x Memory Watch can tell the speed?
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L4yer wrote:
If i get back to that game it won't be until next year most likely. When i was doing it it was just odd that the guy could see me through the floors when he was at the elevator, thus ruining a lot of it.
Ocean's Eleven: "Every problem is an oppurtunity in disguise" I don't know if it could work to your advantage somehow, but I remembered playing Perfect Dark (couldn't get past one of the levels) and would love to see a TAS of it completed. Plus we need more N64 TASes.
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There was a newly made Spiderman song that was featured in the blooper reel of Spiderman 2... OT but that Blooper reel was one of the funniest I have ever seen for any movie. I should probably in my spare time find the correct settings to play MM correctly and whatnot.... does it always have to play in full screen?
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this is also like, a problem in that I don't know the logistics of making 2-3 emulators receieve the input... plus the potential problems that Nibelung has pointed out, plus overreaching, and a few other things makes me think it may have been better to not suggest this at all...
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This game is put on permanent hold. At the boss in Cave of Bad Dreams, instead of tossing skulls for me to make platforms the boss consistently jumps down a pit and disappears. After 20 retries of the boss he did the same thing, so I don't know if it's a problem with the ROM or that, since I was test running and died a few times at him that it triggers him to disappear, but I'm just plain dropping this. It's a shame, because now I can't even contribute strategies to SDA....
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xoinx wrote:
Hmmm, i was reading gamefaqs, and this sounds cool:
gameFAQs wrote:
Unlock the INSANE Turbo Mode Beat the game on Hard Mode in order to unlock the Game Speed option. You can set it to ''Turbo'', in which case the game will move twice as fast as normal!
But then you need to run through the game to get a legit SRAM, which may be tedious...
Not too tedious... I read in a FAQ that the game can be beaten quickly, and a second version twice as fast would be nice, especially if the game is as action packed as some have suggested.
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bkDJ wrote:
Mukki wrote:
EDIT -- Fixed. I also found a great way to avoid desync. I shouldn't be having any more problems with that (touch wood)...
The knocking you hear is AKA and Guanobowl pounding at your door, wanting to know your secret.
you forgot comicalflop hehe
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his run is faster, but he didn't start it until after yours was discovered, and yours was faster than Spezzafer's. So it would've been published on the website, until AKA submitted his.
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I believe wholeheartedly that's it's entertaining AND fast. You've put a lot of effort into it, and I cannot wait for the eventual submission.
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Doom was released for the N64, Doom 64, so a TAS of it is feasible by our emulators, even though it was intended for PC. I don;t know hoiw well it runs though.
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Although it would make a funny movie description... "James Bond, who speeds so fast through missions he doesn't even bother looking foward." Although yeah I would prefer he look straight, especially since it doesn't lose frames.
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congrats. I wonder why? But meh not going to mess around with Karma, so good luck and post AVIs on Youtube when you can (I can't make Mupen to have MM to work with me). I did manage to convince my family to let me bring MM with me to college, so I can definetly do some testing there. Assuming I get good enough with the game in real time to actually get to farther parts in the game lol.
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Warps in DKC 100+% runs save time... if used the right way. Doing the warp first thing and then either: -Going backwards to get a bonus that is close to the end or -if the bonuses are far enough in the beginning that start+select saves time As seen in my run. If the bonuses are spread out in a level equally enough, then it is not worth it. But I say go for it- I myself did not notice any improvements that you admitted to be correct on my part, but if warping is going to save as much time as you predict, then go for it I myself discovered Snapdragon's DKC2 102% run, that while slower than Ouyana's may have some faster strategies that I might have missed, so I'm going have to review that run (hopefully download it, it's only on googlevideo since it's not on SDA anymore) Good luck with restart of run! I support you 105% of the way. I'll take a look at levels as usual, try and suggest some strategies if I see them. and, uh, get some more sleep. It'll help, trust me.
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I look foward to it!
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Yep so I'll continue, it should come along pretty fast. Don't have a projected finish date though.
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My brother reminded me that Zerg is the fastest race but they do have 10 missions. Protoss are indeed quite slow, so hopefully strategy wise Terrans will work better for me, and maybe next I'll do Zerg and simply leave Protoss alone. This is of course all assuming desynchs don't rear their ugly heads. and if this game doesn't scare me away.
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Yeah I rememebred watching the SDA run and some texts are skippable, some aren't.
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I would also review the enitre thing, just to be absolutely sure. interesting text skip technique
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The best day for N64 TASes will be the day they fix the desynching problems. but yeah, there recently has been a lot of great submissions, and this one is really great.
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I wonder why that is... and I guess since good work is being done in this run I'll continue.
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YES vote of course!!! the last bowser level was particularly well done. improvements in most every level, new glitches, interesting camera angles- it's all good!
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Huh, so I wonder what's causing the desynchs/problems...
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oh. guess I wasn't paying attention to input. what was going on in the level kept my undivided attention :P
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