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So it's finally here eh? I can say I have loved watching this run come together and evolve over the long period of time it has been in work (When SilentSlayers and myself first discussed the side BLJ in the spiral room, good times). There have been so many interesting find and changes in this run that its truly stands out from others. It's been a yes vote since I first heard about this :P
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I would like to see more from this game. I briefly tried it a while back and it was interesting. Also, the video looked nice.
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Yes since it benefits my world. Looks great!
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People are good at explaining logic in glitches and flaws in games here, so I am curious if anyone can understand how this glitch occured with the flyguy:
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I can't describe how amazing this is... I tried TASing this game as some people know, but this is just overkill! Brilliant skips, gem routes, entertaining fights. Yes for sure :P
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Been waiting for this, I remember trying to improve the old run and saving a bunch of frames, just to find this was in progress. I'll have to watch the Uploaded stream when I get home, I'm curious about it now as I have only seen a bit of the first levels like half a year ago. Great job guys!!
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Endless Stairs BLJless Guess this takes the 70 star BLJless run away and makes a 50 star run. I'm most curious if something like this could be done to get through the 50 star door.
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I believe the author of the sub 10 TAS did some trick to have more speed but less height jumpwise like in the other video. Anyway...
Bobmario511 wrote:
Also, it's probably worth testing bljing on the 30 star door stairs in the reverse direction to possibly get to SSL faster.
This does prove to be true as seen in this video from 0:52 to 1:00.
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I'm curious, here is a small test I made of getting to the basement To the Basement! Anyway, in the current route, we will be taking the first of these bljs to the basement. I'm quite curious if it would be a little faster to do either WF/CCM after BoB for a route like the 2nd clip. Doubt it's faster, just throwing my ideas out there.
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Yeah, sadly there isn't any known way into the gulp room yet, as the ceiling is solid. Only possible ways I would think of are clipping through the door somehow, but thats unlikely. As this game hasn't been TASed much, in positive there are many "TAS only" tricks still to be found. I have a few ideas in mind for flying but they will probably fail. Good luck drawing out the map for the higher value/less out of the way gems, I'm curious to see it.
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Relating to all this DDD or BitFS first, if DDD's first star is cleared, you can blj on the BitFS entrence to exit the room (I think the blj takes some time though, havent tested). Anyway, this would only be the case if we were to go to either first. Also, it's probably worth testing bljing on the 30 star door stairs in the reverse direction to possibly get to SSL faster. It is possible to get through with a punch, but this threw mario quite off for me. If it's possible to get through the door leading to SSL and have good angles and speed, I'm pretty sure that would be the best way. Ok, I'm done, now off to take a Final!
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I did try TASing this game a little while back and got decent results, though I'm not sure of all the tricks the game has to offer. Glimmer 100% Colossus 100% The route planning for the gems is probably the toughest part of this game. For any% we need 2400 gems or so correct? Then this just comes to testing each stage (since all of the first two worlds are required) to see what gems are best to get while obtaining the tailsmans of each world. I would also think you would need a higher gem count from the first three stages so we can get swim and not need to reset or something to get back from the castle. I am in favor of an any% run if we can come up with a solid route and completly test glitches like that "super jump."
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All that glitching from the top of the screen and that weird door were pure awesomeness. Yes vote!
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I have, and I was wondering how this comaires to the trick that glitches you through the wall into the passage. Don't you need to collide with a wall to make that happen? So I'm just curious if this can be done on other places.
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This Video shows the player warping from mid-swimming to the bottom of the stage. Anyone have ideas on how this happened, and perhaps if it could be used in other areas and or manipulated to speed up stars?
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Woah, that was very sweet, I read the video description and it said there was a cheep-cheep trick, but I didn't think it would be a trick like that. Lookig forward to the warpless run with this trick. Yes vote for sure btw
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HappyLee wrote:
Here is a interesting one: If you catch the flagpole and die(falling into the hole), use speed up, you will get to the next level after a while.
Yeah, I noticed that for that 5-2 failed vine glitch. As for this run, yes vote for sure, looked great!
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I sent you the m64 for the red coins, right? That one will probably ending up having a good amount of changes due to the route being a bit random. If Kyman doesn't have his Mario Wings to the Sky m64, I'll contribute my old one. Looking forward to this, and I'll try to contribute.
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ivmaddnessvi wrote:
i dont know and i suppose to create a savestat then record cause if so then im screwed. Edit thats bad i spent 2 hours on My route for 2 and 1/2 minutes of gameplay. Is there any way to create a save stat to go with my .m64 file? If not i guess ill have to redo it.
If you can position Link perfectly from where ever you started recording, than yes, but if links not from a loading area, everything has to be pixel perfect. Basically if you can position him, start recording an m64 from snapshot, and rename that snapshot whatever your origonal m64 is named.
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Phallosvogel wrote:
since MrGrunz gave his ok I also will try to encode any future WIPs
Thanks for putting it back up. I tried several versons of Mupen including the suggested one to download but it always desynched for me. I'll make my comments as soon as the download finishes.
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No vote since this run doesn't seem to have well established goals, random usage of B, and lack of time savors such as the bullit bill glitch. Good job though. :)
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ShinyDoofy wrote:
Great improvement indeed. My only fear is that as there are so many of them that it may become even harder to complete the new 120 star run, let alone hex in the stars you already finished.
Thats exactly what I was thinking; with all of us sm64 TASers, Robz's work is not going to get any easier. Especually lately, since there have been a good number of new tricks and such.
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Wow, another Route change for Metal head Mario can Move
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Wow, I was amazed with the last warpless run, but this just blows me away. Great Job with those glitches and optimization! Yes vote for sure.
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Joy, we can now get "Into the Igloo" Capless/cannonless/coinless, making 76 ccc-less stars I believe Here's a run of it in 22.7
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