Posts for Bisqwit

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Location: Arzareth First 10 minutes of my encoding. :P (25 MB) (EDIT: It is still going. This is just a cut of the first 10 minutes.)
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xebra wrote:
For something that is so central to your being, wouldn't it behoove you to educate yourself on that which you believe to be the absolute truth?
I'm also an expert on PHP programming, yet I do not know precisely how PHP implements Arrays. I do not need to be obsessed with every little detail in order to be knowledgeable about something. Anyway, I would appreciate it if you switch to another topic. Obviously chances are that I am biased, but regardless, I don't think it's far fetched to say that from us two, it is you to whom the word "fanatic" applies more precisely.
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bkDJ wrote:
I know that it has proper sync throughout. I am pretty sure, anyway. here: (don't try downloading for another 5 minutes, not done uploading)
1. What is tool-assised? 2. The logo is blocking the screen too long. 2 seconds is the maximum, 1 is the recommendation. Also, it is WAY too easy to remove that screen and there will be nothing remaining telling that it is a tool-assisted speedrun. 3. The URL cuts abruptly. It should end with a slash: / and also, it should be more prominently placed in that screen. 4. The video quality is too poor. For example, the screen at 1:02 is very blurry. (Yes, it's a low-contrast screen, but it should still be presented well.) For a brighter example, see 9:21, look at the floor. 5. I cannot see any aliasing artifacts (good). Polygon edge antialias level is certainly sufficiently high. However, as for in-polygon antialiasing (i.e. that anisotrophic whatever), I think that the screens are too blurry to notice even if they were there. 6. I did not notice significant A/V desync. There seems to be a 1 or 2 frame delay in the audio at the end of the video, However, 10 minutes is too short to tell.
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bkDJ wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Finally, it syncs. I'll encode this using Direct64 and my A/V syncsafe settings :)
Bisqwit, I already have it captured in direct64 with the pre-first-cycle and zelda cutscene in jabo 1.6, for prettiness' sake. I'll upload a 10-minute sample in a bit and you can decide if it's publishable :)
Okay. But a 10-minute sample cannot tell if it has proper audio sync throughout the movie... And for a publishable movie, there are other issues as well, that are described here:
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Finally, it syncs. I'll encode this using Direct64 and my A/V syncsafe settings :)
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Squ4ll- wrote:
Here maybe, the source Nitsuja linked in the other thread.
Thanks. It seems, that it has last been updated in July 2006. So that wasn't the problem. There was a plugin setting after all.
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Dustin wrote:
What was the deal with Gens connecting to the nesvideos site?
I have no idea what you refer to by that. > Also, how can you see my wallpaper? Because I'm a secret spy! No, I was talking about my wallpaper, not yours :P
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flagitious wrote:
Thoughts on software patents?
Mostly the same as those of EFF(i). Shortly: bad thing.
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Dustin wrote:
AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2100+ running at 1566 MHz
It is. I had stability issues or other that I cannot recall. > Do you find it annoying as more and more 4chan'ners are using 4chan slang on forums other than 4chan? I had to read that question about four times before I could parse it. Yes, such things tend to be annoying. > i think it is cool you liek Rozen Maiden I'm not particularly that much a fan of it, but I did like that wallpaper. > Am I late? Not that I know.
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I would personally want to see a Wrecking Crew TAS. I don't promise I would accept it though; it has chances of being boring. Re: Movies in need of improving, I don't have anything in mind but I would look at the oldest movies if I would need to. Probably something like Snow Bros can be improved. But it's also one of the most boring movies...
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xebra wrote:
What do you think of Robert Alter's exegesis in The Book of Psalms: A Translation with Commentary concerning the pathological mistranslation of nefesh as "soul"?
I think that's something I haven't read. And, I don't know Hebrew.
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Where can I find the source code of the mupen64 version that was used in creating the Majora's Mask TAS? I suspect my desyncs might be caused by differences in the emulator itself that I am not aware of.
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These are my settings. So far I have never seen the movie sync. The ROM properties dialog is shown twice; once from the ROM list, and once from the menu once the game is started. EDIT: It says "RSP Save Plugin" here; but for Snake it says "Save Plugins". Perhaps I have a wrong Mupen64 version entirely? But both says "0.5" … … I have not been made aware of any changes to Mupen64 itself that could cause sync differences.
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Phil wrote:
One major flaw in this run is taking an enemy at end of 1-2. I guess, well I hope, laughing gas thinks it was necessary for the glitch to be accomplished but it's not. Taking an enemy is useful for Toad only.
Ah, I pondered that same thing, but I didn't bother testing it out. This may be significant, but is it? There's the frame rule isn't there?
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I was disappointed because you didn't do the intimidating act at the first Birdo battle. (I.e. standing uncomfortably close and following Birdo's movements exactly.) Aside from that, this movie is good.
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Hereby letting it fall off the thread list. Also, "in before lock" type posts are just as annoying as "first!" type posts are. I deleted that one.
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BenniCR wrote:
Well, essentially why to not leave this as a wip since it doesnt seem as a "massive" improvement?
WIP = work in progress. This is no longer "in progress", because it's finished, isn't it? Also, 24.07 seconds is quite in the right magnitude for an improvement on this particular movie.
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P.JBoy wrote:
So if you set the resolution up to 5120x3840 and then resized is down to 320x240 it would give 256 times better results?
Yes, or no. You can't really compare "better" that way. The amount of samples is 256 times larger, but the difference in noise level may be just 10% of the image or less.
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Phil wrote:
Since that 1-2 years ago, I never understood where that lanczos come from. If you want your encoders to be up-to-date, you should explain.
From this comparison. These are made with Imagemagick. Imagemagick does not have a filter called "bilinear", but I think the "triangle" one is the closest corresponding to it by function. In this table, I think Lanczos preserves the intent best. However, this applies to scaling into larger size... I should perhaps also make a version that scales into smaller size.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Okay, I went way in-depth through the Display settings, and I found some brief information on some drivers, but nothing about antialiasing. I did see some interesting color control stuff, though.
Well, for me it looks like this. It's from a Finnish version so I added some labels for translation. Phil, yes it was also discussed 1-2 years ago.
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The "ideal (perfect)" version shown in my post is not attainable with current hardware. It is a guideline. Instructions towards best settings: Open your video card settings. Find DirectX & OpenGL settings, and find there the anisotropic filtering and antialias settings. Put them at maximum. If there is a checkbox that forbids application from modifying them, check that box. In mupen64, check the video plugin settings, and find anisotropic filtering and antialias gauges. Crank them at maximum. When making video from mupen64, render it at large resolution (such as 1024x768), and when you make the AVI, then downscale it (such as with mencoder options "-vf scale=512:384 -sws 9").
Post subject: Antialias, scaling, etc., why and how? Demonstrations here.
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I find myself often having to explain my policy on how rendering at large size and rescaling to smaller size is a good thing, and how anisotropic filtering and antialias should be maximized. So I created these demonstration videos using POV-Ray to demonstrate the effects of different levels of filtering. Each of these videos shows the same scene at 320x240 resolution. The sizes of the files vary from 2 MB to 7 MB. Vanilla rendering: No antialiasing or anisotropic filtering. 4x antialias and 4x anisotropic filtering: 16x antialias and 16x anisotropic filtering: Ideal rendering (perfect): As one can see, each step reduces the amount of jitter that can be observed in the wall at the back. Each step also reduces the moire patterns in the texture on the floor and the ceiling, and smoothes the edges between the walls and the floor. In display cards, the two filters are separate (antialias smoothes edges while anisotropic filtering reduces jitter), but in these renderings both are improved simultaneously. The perfect video was rendered at 320x240 with the "+a +am2" settings in povray, i.e. recursively subpixel-rendering until the differences in neighboring pixels become insignificant. Each of the other videos were rendered with no antialias settings, by rendering it at 1x, 2x and 4x sizes, yielding 1x, 4x and 16x respective quality improvements. As one can observe, rendering at a double size and downscaling to normal size gives a significant improvement to the video quality, equivalent to a quadruple increase in the "anisotropic" and "antialias" ratings of the display card. I would like to see our 3D renderings matching the "ideal (perfect)" setting, i.e. where no jitter exists or pixelation artifacts exist at all, but in practise, I will settle on 64x filtering (i.e. 16x hardware filtering plus 2x software scaling). I hope no further justifications are needed. :) Disclaimer: This may be slightly different from what the display card's hardware does. Still, the point stands that increasing the number of samples gives a better approximation of the original intent and reduces jitter etc. artifacts, when perfect representation is not available. (I.e. it applies to 3D content and _some_ 2D content, but not bitmap content such as NES videos.)
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Chamale wrote:
If a run was sent in that was over 24 hours long, would the time be listed with the amount of days the run was, then hours, minutes, seconds, frames?
No. It will say 40 hours, not 1 day and 16 hours.
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Chaotic... but still rather ok. I couldn't find a complaint in execution. I could even follow what happens in some places! :P
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Warp wrote:
If it's not energy, then what is it? Something *was* transmitted, but what?
My guess: Information. Or if that answer is disqualified, then: Entropy. But I have no idea as for how to measure either or to describe its physical properties. I think entropy is a fine answer though: it is a cumulative product of human culture, which can only arise as the entropy in the universe increases.