Posts for Bisqwit

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I found why this problem happens. Snes9x saves the savestates structurally. Each block begins with a data like this: CPU:000056: Where first comes the block name, then the block length. The string takes 11 bytes of space. The problem is that Warp's movie is so long that when he makes a quicksave, the movie block ends up looking like this: MID:1009972: Which is one byte longer than it must be. Snes9x reads the first 11 bytes of the string. Normally the 11 bytes are followed immediately by the block data, but in this case it's followed by a colon. Conclusion: Movie snapshots from movies longer than 27 minutes and 46 seconds don't work. This problem occurs in the Windows and Linux versions, and probably in all other versions as well. I cvs-committed a fix that seems to work. Unfortunately for Windows users, Windows snes9x binaries can currently only be compiled with a Microsoft Visual C++ compiler... Also, my fix only postpones the problem: now the limit is at 4:37:46. Question: How in earth have the Mega Man X and Super Metroid movies been made then???
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Thanks to Warp for waking me up. These things followed immediately: - Shutting down the server temporarily - Disabling homepage editing (yes, it was only a matter of time until someone exploits this design misfeature) - Deleted all posts of users 480, 484, 479 and topics that were thus made empty. - Deleted users 480, 484, 479. - Deleted all recent edits to FrontPage. - Banning, where this hoodlum seems to have came from.
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[Deleted a post written by some guy who had problems with capslock.] [Deleted his username too while at it.] For reference: - especially the last item. Edit: Crocogator: Please read the WhyAndHow page. If you continue with your misbehavior, I will have to put you into a ban. You are not doing accomplishing anything with your posts that call for immediate removal.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Well, you should.
You surely have the habit of challenging every statement.
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Bob Whoops wrote:
I think that my movie will be at most 1-2 seconds faster. Is this enough? I'm assuming that both movies are of equal entertainment value.
Sounds ok for me, for the following reasons: - The movie is short, thus the improvement is not that small taking the scale into account - Entertainment won't suffer - This seems to be a speed competition.
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bf0189 wrote:
Would it be fair if I use a level ** party from a new+ game?
No, we do not allow movies that begin with a preloaded save.
Post subject: Re: Everyday Logins
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feitclub wrote:
Every day I have to login to the Wiki page, while the message board remembers me. Is that something that can be fixed, or is it intentional?
Discussed before.
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Cazlab wrote:
ah ok, so you can't "bug the heaven" in airman's level?
Nope. If it were Rockman 1, it would work if the screen bottom was solid, but I don't know about Rockman 2.
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Haven't yet encoded it. And the movie was published by Phil, not me. Sorry for having you waiting.
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pierrot wrote:
Nobody fucking cares.
Considering that you are not the only one who has posted on this page, I must say you're wrong.
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In addition to this movie (note that I fixed the URL) I have made another:
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Cazlab wrote:
Could u do any of these item 1 bugs in airmans level? I mean, there aren't any roofs there..
Yes there are. See this video clip: EDIT: Fixed the URL Note: This MPEG file is 60 FPS. Some multimedia players have problems handling it. Use something that doesn't have problems.
Post subject: Rewrote the Why and How page
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I rewrote the Whyhow page once again. It was a long time since I last touched it. It bothered me for a long time that the page was quite aggressive. It was directed to the idiots, not to the common audience. The new page hopefully serves people better. What do you all think? Ideas?
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triplenn wrote:
there wasn't much explanation besides "use Item-1".
Item-3 works just as well, but it has much more limited usability than item-1, because it can only climb walls whereas item-1 can climb bare air. Examples of this trick using item-3 can be seen here: Example of using item-1: Be sure to observe how the item is placed so that it does not collide with the ceiling, but Rockman does.
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triplenn wrote:
Actually, you barely explained it at all Bisqwit. Yes, you have to use item-1, and yes go up to the ceiling, and apparently don't let item-1 collide with the ceiling?
Yes - you have to position the item 1 and put Rockman standing at it such that the item1 collides with the ceiling much later than Rockman does. If you still can't figure out how to do it, watch Finalfighter's demonstrations REALLY CLOSE. He has even written a tutorial about it: My tutorial of how the game works when you have pushed Rockman into a wall/ceiling is here: Ps: I found your "thanks for nothing" style post somewhat offending.
Post subject: Re: Verified that other fields don't exist
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scubed wrote:
Here are the values that it uses for the map number: <...> So, no map 9.
These values were missing from the list: $11 $13 $15 $17 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1D $1E $1F $20 $21 $22 $23 Are you sure they aren't assigned?
Post subject: a little writing about mistakes
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There are some mistakes I spot obviously, there are some mistakes I don't see and there are some mistakes I think I see but which don't really exist. When I see mistakes, I want them fixed, be they real or not. I don't really care about the numbers - they are just tools for comparing movies. I want that movies look fluent, like a dance. This is an aspect of art. The development of Arc's Metroid movie is an excellent example of how fluency gains also speed.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
So would you need to change some of the options at the beginning of the game to make some things go faster?
Mainly the dialog speed. There's no need to change the button setup (changing it takes time) because you can always change the keyboard assignment from your emulator. (Well, at least if you can compile a custom snes9x for yourself.) EDIT: Time, not tome
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Wodball wrote:
But since Bisqwit accepted this run with the invulnerability attached
I don't know very much of this game, and I didn't know of an invulnerability either. Now that I seem to know, I still don't know if it should affect my decisions.
Cazlab wrote:
Boco always find something to critisicm ;P
That's a good thing :)
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Cazlab wrote:
But how am i going to do it then?
Didn't I just explain?
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Cazlab wrote:
I really got a problem with the item-1 bug, does it only work in the japanese version? Couse I'm playing it on a real nes and i can't get it to work! Or do i have to press any special key? I've tried to jump and stuff but I cant make it!
It works in the USA version as well. The idea is that you have to position the Item1 so that it doesn't directly collide with the ceiling you're going to collide Rockman with.
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Nsm wrote:
WOW THIS WARP TRICK IS AMAZING AEHAUEA The new version of rockman2 speedrun will have this?
No. It doesn't actually warp. The only thing it does is that it continues the same level in different scenery due to going through walls. The Air Man and Wily 2 maps are next to each others in the ROM, but passing through a wall from Air Man level and going to the Wily 2 map does not change the fact that you're still at the Air Man level. For this reason, there's no Wily 2 level boss at the end of the the map, and you can't progress to Wily 3.
Post subject: Re: Snes9x request / question
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krieg747 wrote:
i was wondering if there are any programming-savvy people out there *cough* blip *cough* that could edit an open-source snes9x to have a binding option for this.
Yes there are, and those are already working at snes9x. Your need is already known to the snes9x team, and keyboard reassigning is being worked on. What you need to understand is that it takes time - free time of these people.
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Bob Whoops wrote:
Anyway, what should have I put in submission description? "Faster than other movie"?
Even that's better than nothing. "Faster than other movie" saves us from having to check whether it is faster. Don't assume we remember all the movies of the site and their lengths :) Edit: And I meant indeed 52.
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I agree with Blechy. I think BobWhoops played the map 32 a bit worse than Blechy (there was delay between the ink cloud and the girl), and there was less accelerated horizontal motion in the same level than Blechy had. Also I'm not certain but it looked like the second part of the last level was slower than in Blechy's movie. It started faster though. Ps: You left the submission description blank. Don't do that.