Posts for Aktan

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Updated the plugin.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
No-no, I mean, is it better to upload 70/105-fps video (it's gonna be compressed by YT to 60-fps) rather than to upload 60-fps video directly? Or it's just a waste of time on higher quality rendering?
Probably a waste of time.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
So, updating a 70/105-fps video on YT will have the same playback as a 60-fps video? And yeah, your stuff is crazy))
No, 70/105 FPS video would have no wrong timing at all. It is better than 60 FPS. But since YT doesn't support 70 or 105, we are stuck with 60 FPS.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
Are there any differences in encoding Doom in 50 fps and 60 fps for YT? YT supports 50 fps and Doom outputs 35 fps maximum, so theoretically there should be no differences, but I'd like to read your opinions. Maybe there are some lost frames on practice?
You know, it had not crossed my mind that 50 FPS would work too. Honestly, you would have to compare how often the frames are "off" by in 50 vs 60 to figure out which is better. I'll figure that out in a bit. Edit: In theory, there is a difference. The timing for each one is different. 50 FPS may sync more than 60 FPS. Who knows until someone figures it out. In general though, the more FPS, the harder it is for a human to tell. I mean 1000 FPS is perfect sync =p.
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Apparently, a new version is out from StainlessS and fixed some bugs and added some features:
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feos wrote:
The answer is, I don't care about your nifty filters. I love authentic NTCS/PAL artifacts.
To each their own =D. I personally find interlace artifacts on progressive screens to be terrible. Course interlace on interlace screens is fine.
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feos wrote:
Don't ask.
While you sure did a ton of work, that wasn't a deinterlacer for interlaced material >_>.
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feos wrote:
I edited my post regarding plugins. And as I said, I didn't bother pondering, so I didn't recall that nes is progressive scan.
Ah okay, now I get it. I just got the impression from your "told ya" that you knew about it but just didn't bother to speak up =p. Had no idea you forgot too, lol. As for the plugin, so far the best deinterlacing results I get is from QTGMC on real interlace material (I don't count telecine clips to be real interlace). Do you have one that you like better?
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feos wrote:
How could I know about deinterlacing before you suggested it? You looked confident so I didn't bother actually pondering your suggestions (I just dislike how that previous plugin makes it look).
I was saying to speak up after I mention deinterlacing! As you know (that I forgot), NES/SNES are actually not interlaced and displays all even (or odd, I forget) fields at 60 FPS. Hence the scanlines. If I had been reminded of this fact, I would have stop trying to deinterlace right away! Which previous plugin did you dislike? I didn't get you on that part.
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No problem, though I wasn't trying to "win" you know. I was trying to help you get the best quality.
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I hope you have a video camera to record your actual TV (prefer a CRT TV) to show it is the same.
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the source is the wrong aspect ratio as TV has non square pixels. The nnedi3 line already fixes this to the correct 4:3 aspect ratio. Do you still want the same aspect ratio as the source? Edit: My nnedi3 line fixes it, yours is back to the wrong aspect ratio.
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Just to be sure, make sure the conversion to YV12 is last. You want all the information on color you can to do things, before throwing it out for YouTube.
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feos wrote:
Told ya :D
If you knew what was wrong with deinterlacing, why not speak up then? =p
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Yep, brain farted there, my bad again. Course you still did capture to RGB which was a big no no. So now to help you with the rest of it. I still suggest nnedi3, and if you want 4k, it be this line:
Language: avisynth

nnedi3_rpow2(rfactor=16, nsize=0, nns=4, qual=2, cshift="lanczosresize", ep0=2, pscrn=4, fwidth=2880, fheight=2160)
Then you need to convert to YV12 before encoding to x264, so use this line:
Language: avisynth

ConvertToYV12(matrix="Rec709", chromaresample="lanczos")
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You know, I forgot that NES is 60 FPS non interlaced. My bad. Basically if you remove the lines:
Language: avisynth

Interleave(last, BlankClip(last)) AssumeTFF Weave
and resize, you should be fine.
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I'll take a look later today. Having a sample clip helps a lot =p
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Man, I really really wish you would get on IRC than talk through here. Yea your script is a bit off. First, let's try this:
Language: avisynth

Avisource("1.avi") AssumeTFF() QTGMC(Preset="Placebo", SourceMatch=3, Lossless=2, MatchPreset="Placebo", MatchPreset2="Placebo")
In VirtualDub, is the problem still there?
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You would need to post your script. Also, I assume you didn't recapture with YUY2. Converting to RGB then back to YV12 can cause those bleeding also =p. Hint, get a new source capturing the RIGHT way.
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Which is why you should try nnedi3 and compare to see which you like better. It's your video and your channel, choose what you like, not what TASVideo channel does =p.
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Koh1fds wrote:
Aktan wrote:
Edit: I missed your last comment. Best resolution for 1080p monitor is 1080p =p. It's that simple. So best for 1440p monitor is 1440p.
But when you upscale emulator video by PointResize - you get sharper image when you choose resolution on youtube higher than resolution of your monitor. I think it's because that YUV colore space youtube using or something. Like here both screens made on 1080p monitor playing youtube video full screen. Obviously 4k have much less blending. So is it not that important for records from composite output? But anyway! Thank you! I will try to understand QTGMC by myself first.
What you are seeing there in your screenshot is YouTube failing to downscale to 1080p properly. A better test is to send the same clip, once in 4k, once in 1080p twice to YouTube and compare. In your composite captures, you can't see the pixels anyway, so pointresize upscale a blurry image won't magically make it less blurry. Since you seem to like the pointresize, I would compare it to nnedi3 first before deciding.
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Koh1fds wrote:
Thank you for pointing that! Yep. GVUSB2 is YUY2 only. I loosing something by using wrong color space in lagarithm? Is there any examples of scripts that uses QTGMC? I aim at best possible picture not like certain resolution.
Again, it be best to talk on IRC as QTGMC is a bit hard to setup, but you can just use a preset once it is setup. You are converting from YUV colorspace to RGB back to YUV which is a big no no as each conversion is not lossless. I think you misunderstood my question of resolution. Obviously biggest capture resolution is 720x480 so keep that. What I'm asking is what is your TARGET resolution ON YouTube? Honestly if it's 1440p, I would use nnedi3 to upscale, but that's my personal preference. Edit: I missed your last comment. Best resolution for 1080p monitor is 1080p =p. It's that simple. So best for 1440p monitor is 1440p.
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feos wrote:
Why 720x480? Was it an automatic setting or you just picked that resolution? Otherwise your method looks good.
Sorry to say, no the method doesn't look good. He's doing bob deinterlacing. Koh1fds: Use QTGMC to deinterlace before you upscale. What resolution are you aiming for on YouTube? Edit: When you capture, Lagarith should be set to the colorspace your capture card is using. Most capture cards, it be YUY2. If it is YUY2, you should be using AviSynth to go to YV12 before encoding. If you need help, best bet is to go on IRC where I can help you better.
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Another advantage of Lagarith, is the null frames. On some captures, there are a lot of null frames which would save a lot of space.
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Good to hear you are heading towards a better life, MUGG. As for the picture, it's suppose to be somewhat satire of the somewhat truth that overly positive people are as not helpful as overly negative people. Aka both are "toxic".