Submission #7888: Cephla's DS Sushi the Cat in 01:13.28

Nintendo DS
(Submitted: SushiDS.nds unknown)
BizHawk 2.8
Submitted by Cephla on 12/18/2022 7:59 PM
Submission Comments
A short but fun 2005 single-level platformer originally released on the GBA for the NEO flash competition but was also ported over to the DS. Most of the run is spent in the boss fight and both the DS and GBA versions are almost identical though directly copying the inputs for one version over to the other will end up not working since something's different (either speed or size of the levels) but they are almost identical for the most part. That was also one of the main reasons I ended up TASing both: to work out which one was faster. Turns out it's the DS version but that could be by TAS timings though, considering there's no extra screen telling you what handheld you're using. The boss is incredibly simple, it'll edge closer to the bin and then Sushi can jump on its head. This needs to be done 3 times to beat the game. And before I forget, the character doesn't seem to change anything so choosing the ginger cat is fastest.

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: Bizhawk 2.8
  • Aims for fastest completion
  • Takes damage to save time
Last Edited by Cephla on 12/18/2022 8:01 PM
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