Submission #4104: Rum's NES Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom in 11:05.92

Nintendo Entertainment System
(Submitted: Ninja Gaiden 3)
(Submitted: Ninja Ryukenden 3 - Yomi no Hakobune (J).nes JPN)
FCEUX 2.1.4a
Submitted by Rum on 11/3/2013 5:03 AM
Submission Comments

General description

  • Aim for fastest time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Use game bug and keep the music in boss fight
  • Try to make the TAS with more entertainment
  • Take the advantage of JPN version and achieve 295 frames ahead of Scumtron's movie.

The reason for using JPN version.

1.Use password to begin stages,5 frames faster than pressing start button.
2.A new glitch which allows Ryu to climb edge of platform and pass in shorter time will appear due to use of password.
3.Because of some differences of weapon in JPN,the TAS looks smoother and cooler.

Bad part of JPN version.

1.1 Frame lag when stage transfers.
2.Sometimes position is not convenient.


Stage 1: 25 frames faster.
Stage 2: 26 frames faster (Ryu needn't enhance his sword in 2-2B,instead he get true dragon sword in 2-2D).
Stage 3: 37 frames faster (A more excited boss fighting can be achieved for the sake of version difference).
Stage 4: 20 frames faster.
Stage 5: 120 frames faster (Slash boss through screen,the trick can also be utilized in US version).
Stage 6: 18 frames faster (Better 6-1 and smoother routine choice due to weapon's different).
Stage 7: 49 frames faster (Differet wall climbing choice in 7-2A and 7-3C).
For more details, please watch the comparison encode [dead link removed] by Bernka.

Some useful memory address

00FD:X position
00DB:Scroll X position
04FE:X subpixel
00DA:Scroll X subpixel
055E:X speed
00FE:Y position
0083:Scroll Y position
0576:Y subpixel
00DE:Scroll X subpixel
05D6:Y speed
049C:shield of final boss
00AD:invincible time
0476:invincible timer of firewheel

Personal Encode:


The randomness of NG3 is very strong which can be reflected in the change of Ryu's subpixel.Any difference of time and location of Ryu's acting will affect the game process.

feos: All agree it is a great run, but the J version of the game was not preferred over the more difficult U one. Rejecting, as explained here. Looking forward to the U run improvements!
Last Edited by adelikat on 10/7/2023 1:51 AM
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