DuckTales 2

  • Duck Tales 2
  • Platformer


Scrooge McDuck is advanced in years, he travels around the lake with Niagara on one side and Scotland on another, and beats money out of half-transparent bosses. He hides in the sand and rides the vertex, gets lightning strikes and beats liquid D-1000 robot with his little toe. He also jumps on his pogo stick like he has dementia. Or maybe all that is just a fancy of his senile mind?
The authors, feos and MESHUGGAH, complete the game 00:03.66 seconds faster than the previous movie by adelikat by minimizing lag, general optimization and some new tricks.
This movie does not get the best (100%) ending, but also does not get the worst (no money).
You can watch this run being played back on a real console.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good DuckTales 2 U NES SHA1: 76093EA07A16FDAA8AA58730FD29B4977A264B5E