Dreamed Away

  • Id: 4191
  • Platforms: Linux
  • Abbreviation: drmawy
  • Display Name: Dreamed Away
  • RPG
  • Prerelease


Dreamed Away is an action-based role-playing game for various PC operating systems and home consoles that is, as of this writing, currently in development. It appears to take influence from old games such the Earthbound series and more recent games such as Deltarune and Omori. You follow Théo, a young boy who one day decides to play with his sister Louise in the woods. However, something doesn't seem to be right, and Théo soon finds himself in a mysterious and surreal world filled with darkness, monsters, and other settings that look similar to the real world. Journey with Théo as he tries to figure out what's haunting him and messing with his mind.
In this run, Tegron plays the demo of Dreamed Away, which only has the first two chapters of the full game, and completes it as fast as possible.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good dreamed_away_demo_2.1.0.x86_64 Dreamed Away (Demo) U Demo 2.1.0 Linux SHA1: 2AB8ACED10843B3ACD8ABA263D69ABF664340254