Garfield and His Nine Lives

  • Garfield,Nine Lives,9 Lives
  • Action
  • Platformer


After having eaten very heavily just before going to bed, Garfield finds himself trapped in a nightmare from which he must escape and where he lives through all of his nine "lives". Amusingly, this is unrelated to a similarly-titled story collection.
The game is a sidescrolling platformer, which is divided into 9 levels. Each level represents one of Garfield's lives (though this implies Garfield has lived an entire life in the sewer and another in a tree...). To complete the level, Garfield must fulfill a goal which is given at the beginning, like finding 10 eggs or getting the key to a door. After three levels, there is always a boss fight. Apart from jumping, Garfield can kick to get rid of his foes and he can perform a ramming attack and an elbow blow.
tormented runs through the game in 10 minutes and 7.79 seconds.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Unknown Garfield and His Nine Lives GBA